
“More cool shit” “Game should be hard But we’ll still have modes for Anthony and Harvey” I love that a pitch can have internal humor and a language like this!

Didn’t Donkey Kong do the same gesture years ago? How can nintendo let this slip again? Not that I mind, doesn’t seem like an offensive gesture to me. I actually like the old one.

Man I just read about kingdom come. Seems like an interesting story

Sounds like FF would love the comic “Empowered”

Man I remember getting Crystal Chronicles and being super disappointed. My First FF experience and boy was i sheite

I really like the furi vinyl so slick and the soundtrack is really good

Man this is too meta for me

Words do change their meaning or impact depending on how people use and see them.
‘Jap’ will forever be a racist slur if people keep freaking out about it when someone uses it. Going out of your way to point out why he/she should never use it again even though that person genuinely meant no harm is just seems futile.

I think partly it’s because they startet development so long ago. PS3 and 360 games will slowly die. I don’t think we’ll be seeing that many new releases in the last half of the year. Hell they are rare atm

Did he abandon DayZ as well?

Really? Man sometimes Sony’s services are a complete joke. No wonder they need exclusives to rope people in

I haven’t seen a single sony device that was fast at downloading. One time I tried downloading MGS 1 for my friends ps3 and that took about 2 hours. It’s like a 3-500mb download, and my connection is 50/10 MBit. It’s the same with the Vita I’ve got though it feel a bit faster than a ps3 and I’ve heard the Ps4 is

The first time i decided to try and I nailed it first try. Since then I haven’t been able to do it again... RIP

Who cares what his views are? He is funny.

Flawless huh? So am I the only one that seems to have awful frame dips? Yesterday I fought 2 moblins at once in the death mountain area and every time I sent them flying with my hammer the game just froze for a solid 2 seconds. Flawless indeed. I would not even call at game close to flawless when it has issues like

Arent you worried they can cause heating problems?

The more I read about this thing the more I’m starting to regret my purchase. I mean at this point the Cons outweigh the Pros:

So EA Access but with games you’d actually wanna play? Sounds interesting, though I doubt that it includes DLC. So I imagine playing Halo 5 with this service and the game being like “oh we see you are playing using this xbox service thing. Too bad you didn’t buy the game so you had access to all this cool new stuff we

According to the creator Sakurai, Duck hunt is a trio. You got the dog, duck and the player (guy with a Zapper/gun on the other side of the screen)