
Whoever gets butt hurt over something so stupid is an effing moron.

Naw, finding anything and everything racist and getting offended by anything and everything is pretty moronic. All this is doing is giving conservatives ammo on why liberals can’t be trusted. I really cringe at the thought of another 4 years of Trump but unreasonable people like you are who are going to make it a

Gamers: Media companies and journalists are too close to the industry and aren’t critical at all.

Come on now, outages are not not EXCLUSIVE to xbox.

Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”

You forgot to mention that Cosmic Star Heroine also comes out on April 11th (at least for PS4)

And....just pulled my Amazon PS4 pre-order.

i hate when my saes fo deleter

The biggest oversight is that you can’t pet the dogs. They’re good dogs Jason!

Now playing

This is the only angry birds movie that we need.

So we’re gonna start seeing YouTube videos of YouTubers playing versions of themselves making YouTube videos to release on YouTube. All on YouTube.