
Yeah that was about it for me. I’m done coming here to read this Progressive Gender Race SJW BS from some pretentious douche who is so busy smelling her own farts, she doesn’t seem to notice that no one cares about this shit besides herself.

Sure but as I read it, that Alberto guy has not done that until now. Or he is currently trying to.

Its just like Blood money. Coin OP

So I feel it is better to wait for the whole expansion to come out and then play it. At least that is What I will be doing. That’s also a fine break since I only just completed the game this Sunday.

Wow it’s the smallest things that SJW’s see as offensive these days. There was nothing to it if you ask me, only people who can literally see anything as racist or offensive these days and freaking out over something completely unnecessary.

Trick question. They both suck

Dat time you posted this for the billionth time

Change the picture to babyrage. That’s more fitting. 

During these heatwave times, air cooling can be lacking tho.

Oh come on. This meme is blow way the fuck up. Stop trying to make it so bad by calling it racist cause no one thinks that besides PCSJW douchebags who only care about polishing their own god damn halos.

Jason you know you can link videos with a start time at a specific point right?

Only time it would happen is if someone put a gun to my head. I know more people who switch from firefox to chrome than the other way around.

I can’t be the only one wondering who that bug lady is in the FPP concept art ? Right??

Sorry but I didn’t really se how these 2 videos interacted like the other one did. Can you be more specific? 

“It’s a bug” or “it’s totally unintended” That has just become the new excuse to hide oversight, incompetence, laziness or greed. Man up and admit to your errors Bungie. Jesus

Even Skyrim did it with the Vampire girl form the dark brotherhood

Ahhh Cecilia, your love hate relationship with anime is always so entertaining 

You guys are missing battle chasers for Switch on the 24th. Unless its been delayed even further

Hah most likely. I think we can all agree on that, it will without a shadow of a doubt kill the sale

I miss LMG’s