
If a princess can’t even wear a dress, you just know that times are hard in your kingdom.

Cringe or jell?

Psst it looks better than the p2w one from festival of the cost

Now playing

To me he will always be “Arne” in The movie Flickering lights which is one of my favourite movies. clip is in danish but I can imagine that it is still pretty funny even though you dont get what they are saying. If you like darkish humor that is

Still haven’t seen a alien stand up walk around in this game. Wonder how long it will take for that to happen

Having more than 1 healer is pretty much mandatory in high lvl games

Translation: Will I be able to a pirate this?

Just curious but where is that?

Woah bruh dope story bruh better check it out again bruh

Magic the Gather send him a care package. Awesome

Maybe your controller just dont want to be a meta nab

Since I learned that reaper is also Lord salad I just can’t take him seriously anymore

Omfg that hazo photobomb is so perfect

I like how you call Ash a big loser yet you are the one writing this article which uses the weight and everything of the pokemon

In my oppinion The xbox one controller is way better than the 360. There is no bulky pad behind the controller and it feels better in your hands

Lol you clearly dont know how bussiness works. There is a fine line in how to treat customers

In my country i believe they called it “Sayajin”

Sometimes Iconsider turinging on addblock again on this site. Mostly when i read articles like these... And Faheys

I know why you love it. It give you a shitton of hits every time you write about it. I Wonder how long you will milk it.

I love this. People need to just chill and learn how to wait. Reminds me of that one episode of South park where Cartman can’t wait for the Wii to come out