
Ban the card in tourneys and be done with it. It’s not that complicated

Who kicked you in the clit today? Jesus christ.

Writing /Sarcasm makes your rant/joke extra lame


Yeah I’d like to see you guys figure out how to make an algorithm that is smart enough to know that something like this is highlight worthy

I mean. Who cares? The game is fun and that is all that should matter right? It’s so good that people have to dig into another language, foreign to the developers just to find flaws. Jesus christ

Thank you for sharing that you got Mei firefighter skin. Very impotent piece of info there

There is just as much on Battleborn content dude. They posted the intro for crying out loud! I mean there gotta be something worthwhile to write about in order to write something right?

Not spot on but close

Nah man sony don’t want to do it it cause they can’t be the only ones exclusively offering name changing.

That pretty much what restoration means dude.

If they had Dark souls like and paced combat this would be a insanely cool MMO

Yes but NYC is pretty much looking they same all the way around. A street with broken cars and snow. I’d rather explore the real NYC.

Well that’s just not true. Imagine if your company was unable do do anything for a day or 2. That is potentially a very high loss for big corporations. The whole visa Dios thing a few years ago cost them millions, if not billions

Right I wonder how your look will be after you grow tired of the endless hordes of bullet sponges. I mean sure if you want the same over and over i agree the choice is clear.

If they remove McCree’s cigar, we riot

I think we will be seeing a new form of netcafé that which is solely focused on VR machines like this one day. It makes me scared. Like I remember this scene from a movie (can’t remember what its called tho) where the main dude entered a place where people were hooked up to a dreamworld and the lady in there was like

Playing Black Desert Online. Haven’t play a MMO on PC in a while and I’m thoroughly enjoying it

Her armor looks to offer much protection. I mean why wear armor anyway? It’s not like if she dies (again) she will be lost forever in something that resembles a purgatory or eternal darkness since she’s banshee

I’d say playing using a guide would diminish the experience, I love discovering stuff by myself i games.