
Man I hope they get paid well those people on display cause damn that looks boring and uncountable as hell

Of course he is down to earth and chill. Hes got a shit ton of stacks and got it by messing around and doing what he loves. Must be nice

My god that is upsetting. Not surprising that this kid is all tweaked out since he is filling his brain with all that crazy (Horse)shit

No way.. Is that actually a thing that happend? What should Hasbro do? Make little pony pussies and penises for these weirdoes to fuck? Jesus

So she’s got long hair while skating and short at the end?

Looks cool and all. But every character will have the same moves unless they use different lightsabers. And most of the attack are stationary...

“Could you imagine being on the other end of this slaughter? Ramblinnn’s opponents weren’t even that bad”

I disagree. They were timid and that lost them the game

Why would Microsoft give the shaft to the other console ports when they reel in money like crazy?

Haha he would make one of these videos every week if he switched to Playstation

Have you seen how it works? Or do you just assume its android on a pc? cmon.. You can’t be that stupid

Man somepeople have too much time on their hands

Right there with you on timed exclusives. Microsoft did a fair deals that were not so bad for the other console. Sony are just dicks locking things away for so long that it might as well be exclusive forever “The ultimate Destiny experiance is on gaystation” Fuck you Sony

Started watching after I read this, I think the censor is a bit too much and also ironic as hell. Then I got to episode 4.... Holy fuck I’m glad they censored most of that, but word censoring is stupid, especially when it’s replayed by splattering sounds and other sorts of cringeworthy stuff.

This is just perfect! Thank you for making me aware of this Kotaku. I went in and voted for Undertale in the finals (haven’t even played the game myself, only watched videos). Looks like it’s gonna CRUSH OOT. Oh boy I can’t wait for the coming shitstorm. Better make sure I have enough popcorn

You sure take your time to do anything. What a snoozefest man.

Holy shit this was awesome. Nice article Klepek! Been a while since I’ve read one that made me get annoyed when clients came and interrupting my reading because they needed support lol.

How many viewers did he have when he peaked?

I’m curios. For just how long do you keep reading comments on your (or other) articles? Like, do you come back to read potential new comments on some of your older articles? I get that you are lurking and probably won’t reply (or maybe you’re already done reading comments on this article) but damn am I curios.

You should troll Fahey instead. His shitty “articles” need some trolling

Just started playing VLR a few days ago and I’m hooked! The puzzles haunt me. But it seems like I need to borrow my friends DS and play 999 first...