
Another brilliant piece of Journalism Fahey. I wonder how much they pay you for writing this crap

You talk about it like its dead. Its still very alive and better than ever. You should give it a go.

If I got this for ps3. Would I have to pay to play online?

So that is really your argument? That because you don't hear anything you just lose faith? No dude think about it: Valve is god damn smart. They know no PR, no commercials and no hype is needed cause the game has pretty much hyped itself at this point or rather, people have hyped it. And as you said its good and

Its the same story with Clash of Heroes for iOS. Its broken and unplayable


God damn it! Are you seriously locking a character as a preorder bonus now? Preorders should never have been invented. Well no, that's not true. It was great when you wanted to secure a copy before you had the opportunity to download everything. Now Preorders are just meaningless and retarded and if you actually

I still play almost every day. Bounties 3 times a day if I have nothing else to do. 3 raids,nightfalls and weekly's a week with my crew. Then there's Glimmar farming and the occasional daily. And somehow it's still fun. That moment when we killed Crota for the first time. That is why I still play

Now take every single of the "help I'm drowning" animations, put them on a dance floor, add glowsticks in their hands and you have yourself a rave

This is even worse than the freaking AAA trending pre-order "bonuses". After reading this I haven't touched destiny for several days. I feel like it cheated on me, and I just can't forgive it.

I still don't get why people dislike dinglebot. I mean hes a fairly newborn robot thingy. Having even a little bit of personality is fine for me. After all it is a robot. I think of him as a better version of 343 GS.

There are already a few Guppy items in the first BOI so I guess he is already immortalized.

Jesus. What does clothes have to do with the games ? This is the most shallow post I've ever read. I personally couldn't give a single f#@% if the people presenting the games are dressed stylishly or not. Let them dress like they want man. It has 0 afffect on the game so why bother even writeing about it? I'm looking