inb4 alt right gets triggered
inb4 alt right gets triggered
Believe in Belushi and Aykroy of course.
“Sometimes people need a reminder that Nazis are supposed to be on the wrong end of the gun” - Jeff Gerstmann
> But the internet told me this game was liberal cuck propaganda designed to desensitize us to violence towards the white race...
Sugarland Express with Goldie Hawn, The Color Purple, The BFG has a female protagonist, and his upcoming The Papers with Meryl Streep.
it already exists.
It would be 3 generations, the xbonex shouldn’t be considered a different one from the regular xbone.
It is the way of our people.
I’m gonna stan on Isaac for a sec, if you haven’t seen Show Me A Hero on HBO, add that to your show list. He is beyond fantastic as the real life Nick Wasicsko. Happy friday everyone!
“Nobody knew [software development] could be so complicated.”
“Making video games is actually really hard.”
is it just me or does anyone else get this urge to start crying when they hear heaven is a place on earth?
If you find that, PLEASE let me know. Though I will say, in my decade-plus of poly, it’s WAY, WAY more common for a woman to have two male partners than vis versa.
Oh man. I know Polyamory comes in many flavors, but that one is just... sad. Couldn’t they find a poly threesome of three folks happy and madly in love with each other? Guess a lot of that demographic don’t give a shit about expensive wedding dresses...
I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.
Clearly you haven’t played enough of Conan: Exiles. Swingin’ Dong even WITHOUT sex scenes!
...Also, now I feel like “Swingin’ Dong” is a great name for a band.
Swinging dong, you say? Saints Row has that: