
Truly, you are a master of the rhetorical arts

Yes someone is critical of something I like. So tell them to kill themselves. That makes great sense.

Mmmm, the smell of jealousy.

I can’t wait for the comments on this one.

What trying new things should stop in WaW? :p

First Impressions count.

No, it does look pretty boring. Going back to WWII is perfectly fine, but they could at least look to do something different with it.

I was actually going to say the same thing. I just hope there is some other campaigns than playing as americans again.

How fucking boring that looked. Like christ it’s basically a prettier looking Medal of Honor: Frontline with even less content than earlier titles like CoD 2 and 3.

Ohhh Last of the Mohicans- good catch! Bad omission on my part.

The Mission (Morricone) and The Last of the Mohicans (Jones) are so unbelievably beautiful - I listen to them all the time.

I agree. I think there were good intentions behind the podcast, but I found it incredibly invasive and just completely unneeded.

The editing on this site is shite. The writers don’t understand basic rules of journalism, such as if you quote from elsewhere, it’s sacrosanct and you don’t tinker with it, you don’t change the quote, you don’t put words into other people’s mouths if they didn’t say them. Plus you don’t change proper names, such as

i’m canadian and i say “mum” when talking about or to my mother among family and “mom” if talking outside the family. i never noticed i did this until adulthood. i think it’s because we’re from english immigrants (my grandparents) but i got teased in school if i said things too much in a british way (because i spent

This in no way invalidates what you are saying, but the Pittsburgh accent ends up with Mum instead of Mom.

Trying to deny your kid a thing is the best way to guarantee that they want nothing but that thing.

BATMAN: Hey, I’m gonna dress up in rubber and beat up people using military grade weapons.

Fans of Deadwood recognize her brilliance in Calamity Jane!