
And I discovered yesterday that if you kill the invader after the primeval, it doesn’t count. I’m at 30ish games with one kill too, and it should be two!

Spider-Man and Destiny 2. Probably with a bunch of Vermintide 2 sprinkled on top if my wife’s in the mood.

In Ireland, nuns were complicit in some of the worst abuse. They ran the Magdalene Laundries, and beat the everliving shit out of kids who had the misfortune to end up in their care. Fuck nuns and anyone who would want to be a nun.


There is a great National distaste for disingenuous codswallop

Given how well The Expanse is doing even though its origin was a failed MMO, it’s not impossible that we could see something good come out of this. 

Now playing

Imma let you finish, but Delia Derbyshire was the best Doctor Who composer OF ALL TIME

While your point might well be true of literature in general, it isn’t for The Last Of Us. Tragedy is suffered by queer and straight characters alike, and I can’t think of a single queer character in TLoU who suffered because of the queerness, except inasmuch as loving anyone in that setting is a recipe for

None of those other games made me feel “this is fucking gross”, and that’s how violence should make you feel. So many video games include violence that should be shocking but is instead presented as fun. I think it’s healthy to be reminded how disgusting that power fantasy really is. Spec Ops: The Line did this well

Jeez, dude. I wasn’t a fan of Bain’s either, but now isn’t the time. There’s more important things in life than whether or not someone agrees with me politically. I’d rather they weren’t dicks about it, but even if they were - it’s still worthwhile to take a minute and mourn their passing.

I mean yeah - it was the best British entry in years, but it was still bottom of the barrel.

Good thing Funny Games was made 21 years ago, or someone might mistake this for fresh.

Am I the only one who saw the ending and immediately thought “Oh, so they’re going to time travel their way out of this”. No way they’re abandoning so many cash cow characters. If they’d left the truly-indispensable characters alive, I’d be less certain that Avengers 2 will include a massive Undo button.

Needs more Grace Jones, for scale.

I never realized the Spider-Man/Anansi connection before, but now I want Spider-Man stories set in West Africa or the Carribean.

For every character X, Angela Bassett would have made a fantastic X.

Screw that. I want them to adapt Mallory.

I want to see a Disney version that includes Arthur killing all the May-born children in his kingdom, because he knows his sister/fuckbuddy would give birth to their son in May.