
It’s confusing to Americans because although Merkel is CDU (Christian Democratic Union - it’s Germany’s main right-wing party, although quite centrist), she’d be considered far left-of-centre in America. The political centre (and the opinions and positions that qualify someone as being left or right of it) are just

I don’t understand how they get to that conclusion from that data. She got fewer votes than McCain or Romney.

I wish the damage model in Destiny were less opaque. I’ve put several hundred hours in, and I’ve not figured it out much better than “higher light is better and Impact factors in somehow”. I would really prefer be able to more precisely know the relative dps of each weapon without having to look it up online.

I be missing too much lore and whatnot for having never played the earlier games?

One memorable issue from launch was the doorway problem

I’ll be giving it a brief whirl once the patch is out, if reviews aren’t scathing. I doubt I’ll want to do more in the game than collect the last few achievements though.

Now playing

He’s also the best interviewee ever (unless you happen to be the interviewer)

It might not be a ripoff, and I agree that pretty much everyone was making the same joke - but I hadn’t seen the It Follows version and that is by far the best one. Glad it was posted!

Of course - but one should be far more realistically achievable than the other.

I did. I just don’t want to have to wait quite as many years for Trevor to find his funny bone.

My only nitpick is that she should have gone after the actions the words described, rather than the words used. Not a big fan of Trevor Noah, but he hit the nail on the head with his segment on the issue. His segment wasn’t as punchy as this clip though, so it’s a tradeoff between catharsis and being 100% on-point.

Well he is a good actor, so something is working for him. I doubt it’s the scammers draining his bank account, but that’s probably just the thetans talking.

“She was old and deaf and fascist” I really don’t have anything to add that’s not already public knowledge. One time she asked me what I was reading and I said “Crime and Punishment”, to which she responded “Oh, you are so clever! Afrikaans is such a difficult language!” Also she used the word “Negroidians” when

“<my mum> has moved to California and sells used cars for a living. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! I can’t wait to meet <my mum> and bastard”

One of them called me a bastard once, in a letter to another one. I think it was Nancy. True story (also I am technically a bastard in that my parents never married, so she wasn’t wrong either).

“How can love be wrong if it feels so right” is an uncomfortable question to ask when discussing a character who so very nearly ended up banging her twin brother...

“Because any popular IP with more than two characters has people ship them”

I’d be content with one item per rarity level (one green, one blue, one purple), and the ability to transfer them to and from the bank via DIM or the app. That’d make it considerably less lame.