I’m glad that the Jamaicans you know are awesome, and I know some awesome Jamaicans too - but you make it sound like Jamaica is some homophobia-free paradise, whereas in general it’s almost exactly the opposite.
I’m glad that the Jamaicans you know are awesome, and I know some awesome Jamaicans too - but you make it sound like Jamaica is some homophobia-free paradise, whereas in general it’s almost exactly the opposite.
I do. I need Michael Fassbender.
Probably a bit of both. Teen boys are still a large percentage of their perceived/target audience, and teen boys tend to have a lot still to figure out. Don’t want to upset your target demo.
Agreed. I was just refuting the claim “there isn’t any nudity at all”.
Agreed on both counts, but the other guy was saying there was no nudity at all.
Last time my Gamergate-supporting neighbour from back home asked me which new games are interesting, I sent him to Robert Yang’s website. Yang is the man.
The bare-ass spanking doesn’t count?
in fact there isn’t any nudity at all
She’s also the Emerald Herald in Dark Souls 2. Are you the next monarch?
Based on how universal that is, I would be unsurprised if we were to discover it was one of our genetically-programmed instincts, something to foster tribal cohesion in our distant ancestral past.
Louise Linton, who has not appeared in anything you’ve ever heard of
Ugh, Luhrmann.
26 years ago this wouldn’t have looked like nearly such a bad idea as it does today. Sucks for all the Jihads out there.
Some people are sensitive and will get sick no matter what the developer does. Some people are immune and won’t get sick no matter how badly the developer fucks with them. Together, those two groups appear to make up about 10-20% of the people we tested. I’m thankfully in the “immune” category myself.
I disagree.
It was fine I guess - not nearly as dumb as later games, for certain. I was just tired of the formula by then. I don’t think I even finished it.
The unrealistic grappling looks fun as hell though. I’ve not enjoyed a CoD game since the original Modern Warfare (and not played one since the first five minutes of the first Blops), but this looks fun.
Considering the challenge of even developing for ps3 (from what I have heard) I am not surprised if this developer decided to switch to ps4 mid development.
What’s wrong with Spore?
I never considered what The Witcher would be like with a Disasterpeace score, but now I want it more than anything.