
I still contend that >5 years is a bad sign, except maybe for MMOs. It’s not an irrefutable proof that the game will be bad, but it gives me the same feeling I get about a film when I hear it has a new script or director. Sometimes that can be a good thing, but mostly it’s not.

I’m not exactly sure which of my comments you are responding to (yay Kinja), but I’ll do my best to make sense.

PREY was solid as hell and that took forever too.

Shadow of the Colossus was my favourite PS2 game by a very wide margin, but great developers have often stumbled. Furthermore, if your game won’t run on the platform you are developing for, that is a sign of poor scoping and discipline.

My expectation is that it will be a good - even great - game

Well I’m glad someone likes them. There is clearly a lot of talent at that studio. I just wish they’d replace their writing team.

As is often the way with that studio

I didn’t mind that most of the choices led down similar paths - it’s impressive that they had as many branching paths as they did - but I did mind that all those paths were so dumb.

I take more issue with his bad writing than the gameplay - there’s nothing wrong with doing plot-heavy point-and-click adventure games, and if he wants to sprinkle them with QTEs that’s fine. If the writing is good, that kind of game can be the best sort of choose-your-own-adventure. If the writing is good.

I suppose it’s worth playing one David Cage game. They’re generally not without merit, but they all take themselves so seriously while simultaneously having some of the stupidest plots and worst writing in the medium. If he’d only go for a goofier tone that better matched his plots, he’d have something special.

Ah. I confess I switched off when he said “And for my last thing, here’s another look at something I showed you already”.

It looked pretty terrible in the Sony livestream. If I recall correctly, that and the Quantic Dream thing looked like the only stinkers. And I’m mostly basing the Quantic Dream verdict on their existing catalogue.

Well I have worked on games that sold millions, some of them with decent reviews, and I echo the sentiments of Prof. Bananas. I’m bored of Kratos. What I wasn’t bored of was the brawler camera and action of God of War - and I’m sad that they switched to over-the-shoulder like it’s The Last Of Us or something. It feels

the season will follow “Moss’ Detective Robin Griffin...”

You mean Jamie Dornan, who was amazing in The Fall and has yet to have his Hollywood debut?

I’ve not seen the Rat Pack one either - so if the new one is any good, it’ll be the first one I enjoy. Really, they can do what they like with this IP from my point of view.

Depends. I think most of the tantrum-havers are around my age, and most people my age have only seen the remake trilogy, which was shit. It’s not like they can do much worse than those ones.

There are plenty of questions in the Questions section that are super effective at weeding those out. Not 100% effective, but pretty darn efficient.


she’s a terrific actor