I’d settle for a Type E. As in Export that car to the US.
I’d settle for a Type E. As in Export that car to the US.
Just buy a van. It’s the right tool for the job. Sure other things will work, but why handicap yourself when you don’t have to?
Who are the people that don’t take apart an Oreo?
I generally don’t park too close to the building anyway, and always try to find a protected parking spot with a curb on one side. I also will always pull through or back in to a spot. Even then coming out of a parking spot nose first in a small car is a PITA because so many people drive hulking SUVs.
When I was a teenager, my state allowed us to get a license at 17. I went for the test on my 17th birthday, as pretty much every teenager did then. However, I never got a chance to take the test. The troll at the DMV failed the vehicle I tried to test in because she couldn’t reach the pedals. This is the same vehicle…
Am I the only one who doesn’t really care for the cheese sauce that comes with the nacho fries? I like the fries better plain.
How about a Toyota Avalon. It will last forever, and they make an excellent vehicle to soak up the miles. No, maybe not as efficient as the 406, but it’ll run forever.
Yup. Their Caramel Delites/Samoas knock off are superior to the original in my opinion
I always thought the boy scouts got the short end of the stick there. Generally speaking, everyone likes Girl Scout Cookies. I’m not even sure I know anyone who’s ever even bought the Boy Scout Popcorn.
We are talking about a Land Rover here so it probably did work fantastically well. Once.
This might sound crazy, but I’m thinking a Smart Fortwo. They’re pretty crush resistant with that space frame, and it’s tiny enough to maneuver around obstacles. If it gets whipped by a tail, it would probably just flip away like a tumbleweed.
Two that I thought would make the cut are Pop-tarts and Cheez-its.
I’m rather disappointed with my Kitchenaid experiences. I’ve been using their stand mixers for about 13 years now, and have gone through 4 of them. My most recent purchase was last year, and I’ve already burned the motor out of a 6QT Professional 600. It struggled with bread dough, and couldn’t handle a double batch…
I have long been a fan of puff pastry, and have made some successfully at home when I had the ambition. I find it almost impossible to beat a good, fresh croissant.
I want to have a pie (or pies) from the Pie Hole from Pushing Daisies.
Thank you for saying this. I really don’t care for syrup at all. Even the smell of it activates my gag reflex. Whenever I eat pancakes or waffles, I only need butter. I never understood people that smother stuff in syrup. You’re only tasting the syrup, not the item you’re eating.
Count me as one of the ones that didn’t know that the “old” sandwich was discontinued back in 2015. I rather liked that one, and it was comparable to the Chick-fil-a one, to me at least.
Her recipe always called for using the canned poppy seed filling. I don’t believe she ever ground that. I just have used straight poppy seeds the last few times I’ve made it, as they’re a lot cheaper. I’m 99% sure I did grind them. But not until they turn to dust, maybe a quick pulse 5-10 seconds or so in a…