Stapleface-Now Hyphenated!

Saw a 7 Series going down the road the other day.  The grill looks smaller in pictures, if you can believe that.  


You aren’t kidding. Tacos might be the worse road food there is, except maybe soup.

Extra Nuggets is always a pleasant surprise.

Today I learned people actually do stuff with acorns. I usually fill up about 3-4 five gallon buckets a year with them.  I just get them out of my yard so they don’t sprout more trees, and my dog won’t eat them.  

Pizza Hut.


This car looks soooooo much better without the bumper.   Safety be damned. 

They introduced the vanilla frosty in 2006? Where has the time gone?
It’s probably good that the birthday cake flavor is a limited run. I can’t imagine it’ll be a sales hit.

I’ll take what I can get.  An AWD Accord Sport?  Sign me up.  

I applaud Toyota for not abandoning the sedan market. I’m sure part of this is the fact that the Camry pretty much sells itself, but still. Not everyone wants or needs an SUV.

I don’t drink coffee, so take this with a grain of salt.

I have an air fryer, and it does a pretty decent imitation of fried food. Is it the same? Of course not. And some things it just can’t do. For instance, I haven’t found a good way to make fresh calamari.

So, I have to wonder. Is this video going to spawn a bunch of people being complete jackwagons so they can get their 20 seconds of fame?

You know, I was saying the other day that I’d like to see a Magnum with the front end of a current Charger.  Apparently, I was wrong.  I don’t need to see that.  What a disappointment.  

I imagine the final product will have an even higher beltline. Pretty soon, it’ll be like we’re all driving tanks

I don’t follow C5 prices, but this one looks in pretty decent shape. And doesn’t looked hacked together. I’ll vote NP based on the pictures posted here.

This has to be more appealing than the Jones Soda Holiday Pack

They were really tasty.  Sorry for making you try again (sort of).  

I will next time I make it. Sour Cream does wonders in quick breads too.