IrregularMole Person

FWIW- The Freedom From Religion Foundation is an excellent, Madison, WI based non-profit that should be on the top of everybody’s charitable giving list.

Guys, no. Learn from Wisconsin. The state senators tried that in 2010 to protest Act 10 and all we got was 6 more years of Gov. Walker. Dems should show up, vote no for everything and call out the bs every chance they get until lawyers can actually nail Trump for doing something illegal. And every GOPper that

I couldn’t agree more. I had my performance review today and was all anxious that bosslady was going to find out about my internet commenting. I can’t imagine how scared he must be knowing about that whole government transparency thing.

Maybe he means Deb, the 90's Prom Superstore. RIP Deb.

I think you have to parse out why a person considers themselves a liberal. A FB friend of mine, whom I considered to be liberal in that he is pro-pot, pro-gay marriage and would love free college if that were an option, fully believes that Clinton is responsible for personally raping girls in Africa via the Clinton

WHOA! I took this survey! They asked some really leading questions like whether I believed an abortion was good for a woman or bad. I told the nice college student on the other side of the line that I don’t think it’s like going to a day spa but it doesn’t harm a woman either.

Honest question- can he issue an executive order ending executive order a la McCrory???

I wonder if Obama can sign an executive order ending executive orders like McCrory? That seems too good to be true...

It’s still illegal to shoot bald eagles, right? Maybe I’m reading too much into this...

ehhh this Pollock no care.

Guys, I am having the best time trolling trolls on Breitbart. Come along for the fun! Arguing conspiracy theories with conspiracy theoriests is very meta but it’s 2016 and this is what we’ve come to.

True story- I saw this this morning on infowars and thought it was a fake news story. Seriously, this is a little too PC, even for me.

Honestly I think this is all Reince Priebus’s doing. The exact same thing happened in Wisconsin. Gov. Walker appointed a woman with a high school diploma that was married to a major contractor to the head of the Department of Natural Resources so the department would be more business friendly. He appointed a 26 year

Remember that time Trump balked about the fire marshalls not letting anymore people into his rallies? THIS IS WHY CODES AND REGULATIONS EXIST.

But how does one make fresh marshmallows??? I have tried myself and found the process incredibly tedious do to the time it must be whisked in a standing blender and set in a pan.... explain your Luminati ways Trump!

Isn’t a botched abortion the very reason why abortion should be legalized and safe? Wouldn’t depicting one be counterintuitive to a anti-choice agenda?
