IrregularMole Person

I had an interesting conversation with a PBS videographer that has covered a Trump rallies here in Wisconsin. He said that surprisingly, the rooms are only 2/5th - 3/5th full, no where near capacity. Media coverage makes it look like it’s these huge rallies but it’s really not, at least not here. These are the

How about a reality show of Trump supporters where they have to work in the stockyards of Chicago in 1900 a la The Jungle? We can call it “Make America Grate Again.”

The gun silencer billboard I saw last time I drove through Oshkosh begs to differ, but we can agree to disagree. I escaped the great Northwoods to Madison when I reached adulthood, though, so you know, I’m one of those liberal state workers that doesn’t understand the rest of the state now.

He’s gonna win, isn’t he? Dammit Fox Valley, get yo shit together!

If it’s any consolation- I posted a meme about Trump being the ultimate welfare queen on Facebook and none of the my uber-conservative Northern WI brethren started an argument with me (there’s first time for everything!) Perhaps the tax revelation is the indeed the nail in the coffin moment for the guns and bible

$410 a week for full time infant care at licensed facility in Madison, WI. Luckily I was able to find a neighbor looking to a nannyshare so that will go down to $275/week in 2 weeks! Woo-hoo (kinda- will still be broke.)

But who is that white dog imposter?! Where’s Gordo?!?!?

“Marchionni was facing internal culture clash”

Actually, no. The Mandy Moore/Milo Ventimiglia scenes were pretty non-descript. One scene in a bedroom, close up of them in nightwear, the next in the hospital with Mandy in a gown and Milo in a jean jacket that really just made him look like a hipster. I think anyone with medical knowledge would have immediately

Haters gon’ hate, I guess. I did think the Manny schtick was a tad self-indulgent but give me a Mandy Moore hopeful cry and I’ll give you a tear. Also, having given birth recently I was full aware of all the old school this-isn’t-happening-in-2016 nods, such as not having a birth plan and being surprised your personal

But how do you meet on Twitter?

My second favorite part about the Star Tribune article:
