IrregularMole Person

I think it’s becoming more and more clear that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election in return for him lifting sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine (and whatever else they do in the future).

Yeah, hate and fear seem much easier to communicate than empathy and responsibility.

It won’t happen. For some reason the tabloids are protective of the Trumps, especially the National Inquirer. Along with the NDA’s everyone who is close to the Trump family is signing, the family’s refusal to talk to the press unless it’s to propagandize, and the fact they are so sue happy, it will be very hard to

Yeah, that’s just...guys, it’s like you’re not even trying anymore. And I know it’s Montana, and White Supremacist Difficulty Level: Super Easy Mode is enabled here, but c’mon.

Look, before we talk about the factors that might lead to white criminality, I think we need to talk about white-on-white crime. Why are white people not condemning their own when they are also victims? Where is the outrage about that, hmmm?

It’s because their white fathers are never around.

Yes! All those people saying they were leaving? Frankly I was disappointed because all that’s going to do is allow him to put people in their positions who will support his policies instead of resisting when they can.

I know a lot of government workers are feeling torn between just leaving because “Fuck this guy” and staying because “Fuck this guy.” I hope they all stay and make shit as difficult as possible and fight the good fight.

Remind me again why taxpayer dollars (Army Corps of Engineers etc.) are being spent to defend a corporate project?

You should also probably mention that besides the 1st Amendment issue regarding the flag, Title 4 of the USC Code, Chapter 1, Paragraph 8, section k states: “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”

Keep her in your life! ALL my friends have kids—some in college, some under 1—and most of them have multiples. I decided not to take this personally early on and have made an effort to keep in contact with them even if we see each other once or twice a year. Now that many of the kids are older, I find my mom-friends

Just kidding, I love the Kratts. Trying to figure out how to get Chris alone so I can besmirch his wholesome persona... I would besmirch him so hard.

My hubs pointed out to me that this may be strategy on her part. Bill Clinton did it to George Bush in their debate like 20 years ago, because it gives the camera an opportunity to catch the opponent doing awkward things, like squinting weirdly into the distance and looming in every shot. If she’s doing it on purpose,

Well if you’re comparing it to Madison everywhere is gonna look red.

Great point. I think it’s entirely appropriate to throw every epithet the GOP uses to smear welfare recipients at Trump: mooch, parasite, taker, welfare queen. We should make it our business to judge what he buys and eats while on welfare, since “that’s our money!” We should denigrate this actual lobster-eating

Haters gon’ hate, I guess. I did think the Manny schtick was a tad self-indulgent but give me a Mandy Moore hopeful cry and I’ll give you a tear. Also, having given birth recently I was full aware of all the old school this-isn’t-happening-in-2016 nods, such as not having a birth plan and being surprised your personal

When my wife went through 40 hours of labor, I was glad that she finally knew what it felt like when I got a cold.