She promised Jeebus that she’s really, truly sorry and will never do it again.
She promised Jeebus that she’s really, truly sorry and will never do it again.
She’s supped from the LGBT cup and underwent the turrible-bad crucible of divorce.
If you’re “very impressed” with this piece, you must’ve been crapping your jeans in 2016 when journalists were writing longform pieces analyzing Milo’s Twitter rants and Richard Spencer’s fashion sense before we collectively remembered these people don’t matter and they faded back into obscurity.
Apparently we white women are still having a hard time believing that our fellow white women can be anti-feminist and racist. I've popped into my local women's march Facebook group yesterday and today and I'm blown away by the number of white women who still think we're all on the same team and want the same things.…
Why is this irrelevant person and her stale hateful ideology receiving such a large journalistic platform here? The “tradwife” movement peaked in 2016, white women’s propensity for racism is widely known (hence all the “Karen” memes), and she was kicked out of the alt-right several years ago for a past homosexual…
There’s a Harper’s article from 2017 that fleshes her out.
My brother-in-law is like this. Not necessarily a bad person, but has tried out what feels like every religion/cult under the sun (Scientology, Mormonism, Catholicism, and Hillsong are all on the list) and has swung between supporting conservative, traditional politics to bemoaning the environment we are going to…
Giant Meteor 2020.
The problem is that these folks don’t want a white paradise that excludes people of color, they want to subjugate us, exploit us for cheap labor and culture while denying us of equality. That’s their utopia.
First they came for the Sweet Valley Twins, and I said nothing because JFC this is a ridiculous argument and it would never happen. You can buy a copy of Mein Kampf if you want, FFS. No one’s coming for Sweet Valley, you prairie-cosplaying goober.
I’ve been reading Anna Merlan’s (former Jezebel writer) new book, Republic of Lies, and one of the white nationalist leaders she interviews makes that exact same argument. On its face, it could sound reasonable enough; i.e., there are such irreconcilable differences between mutlicultural/multiethnic people and white…
Instead, she boasted about young women reaching out to her and saying they were basing their lives on hers: “They’ve been raised … in this millennial generation where anything goes, and nothing is defined, and everything is kind of murky and gray, and they see definition in my life.
Ummmm, also? Alice Wakefield was an interior designer that owned the most successful firm in Sweet Valley, she wasn’t June Cleaver FFS!
She definitely sounds like a seeker. A lot of times this just leads to people bouncing around various (mostly harmless) new age theories for self improvement, but it also leads to people joining hate movements and cults. She reminds me of a less whiplash-inducing Cassandra Fairbanks.
I’ve noticed this, too. It’s just anecdotal, but it’s like some people put their toe into adulthood, don’t like it, and go back to the comfort of other people making all their decisions for them. And it always seems tied to some religious “awakening.”
I’m amazed he didn’t call her the C word which is usually about the nastiest thing they can think of.
Did she come from a pretty conservative family background? There’s always a few folks who go back into that after a more progressive period in their twenties, especially if they get into a conservative branch of religion that feels like home because of their childhood, or have some kind of personal crisis.
This entire store is just FAKE NEWS. Everyone knows that the GOP are the party of civility. Never happened.
One of my business associates uses this guy’s last name as a synonym for moron.