
Oh man. KC’s Priests of Pallas were disbanded, but some version still very much goes on. We have a Jewel Ball for debutantes every year but that group is so undercover that you can’t find any info on them really.

I've gotten down to the point where I've said 'I'll burn a hundred Targets to the ground if it means the police face consequences' and hooo boy did that go over like a ton of bricks.

Hello goddess! Checking in from KC, we’re having similar problems. Tonite the KCPD suited up in their riot gear and then tear gassed peaceful protesters (women femmes and children mainly) right in the middle of our Plaza. Within 30 minutes the governor (a Republican who got his seat from a removed Republican and who

Did you see the one where she redid her father’s place? Her awfulness is 100% inherited. 

Oooooo! Thanks!

Good Bones is putting a quirky happy face on gentrification. I watched a couple episodes and liked it so I looked them up. Hard pass for me.

Exactly. I loathed Chip and Joanna’s show because they were shoe horning a trend into existing architectural design, and when they did extensive remodeling the structural work always seemed... wrong somehow. 

I’m down to two zoom meetings a week and my husband has dared me to wear my pony as high as possible each meeting. This is the longest my hair has been in 7 years and (while I have shaved a bit in the back) I can put this shit up into the most ridiculous pineapple now. Literally no body has said anything about it, but

There’s not really any good way to tell That Woman’s story in this political climate. I call her that because, as a Missourian from a deeply feminist family, we hold that you don’t speak the devil’s name without her appearing, and god knows we don’t want that.

I saw this in the theater with my 5 year old the monday after it’s opening weekend and sobbed like a child. Its themes of loss of a parent and the parentification of an older sibling hit me right in my goddamned feels, especially since I’m not currently speaking to the sibling I raised, the little shit.

Holy shit are you actually me? I worked 2nd or 3rd shift for a decade and the best part BY FAR was empty ass aisles at 2am. My human avoidance tendencies got so bad that I would skip aisles that had open pallets in them in case an employee-human would show up while I was dithering over tortilla choices or whatever. 🤣

As soon as you said ‘one way arrows’ I knew you were a neighbor. Freaking Hyvee and their ridiculous ass floor stickers.

I miss you, too, goddess. 💜

It was the eighties. Maybe there was coke?

Most of mine are not good for this contest, so I’ll tell a couple of my favorites of my sister’s weird habits.

Just got off the phone with my husband’s cousin who live in Detroit. He has been quarantined TWICE due to fever, but since he works at a home improvement store his job is labeled essential so he can’t get any paid time off, just an order to report back in when his fever is gone. He said he went to Urgent Care this

Ah, Jolie, just the mom we need in this time of crisis. Please, to soothe me, post that video on how to fold bottom sheets?

Ah, Jolie, just the mom we need in this time of crisis. Please, to soothe me, post that video on how to fold bottom

This is a fun fact: my husband is a nurse and I am a therapist. After posting this I started my day only to get a FB announcement that Headstart is closing til April 8. So I had to leave my work. Now we’re home and my husband (who works at 2 different hospitals) is concerned about bringing possible pathogens home to

This issue is particularly pertinent for me this morning. Here in KC we are under instructions to not gather in groups larger than 10, churches can meet still but nobody can hug 🙄, all restaurants and bars have been ordered to close to dining in and most schools have closed and college classes are online for the

Now, in response to that kind of idiocy, I want to stab the entire legal team with my 7 inch hat pin.