
Because while USSF isn’t the boss of FIFA, USSF doesn’t have to be such misogynistic dicks to their players.

Along with the pile of horseshit these women have had to deal with, the knowledge that the US Soccer Federation is obviously wasting the ladies' hard-earned prize money on some shit lawyers must be particularly galling.

Thank you for this lol

My family dynamic is similar. I’m only speaking to my dad currently and he’s been a handful about it. He’s got congestive heart failure and (untreated!) skin cancer and both of my siblings rely on him for childcare. Smh. Apparently my sister and sister in law are freaking out cuz both of them are expecting babies in

This is the nihilist content my soul craves.

That music is perfection.

God I love Katie Porter. TBH, tho, her whiteboard skills are godlevel.


It is amazing to me how badly all of these candidates are addressing their various complicities in our national racist culture. Like, how are you even running against 45 without fully exploring your own biases? Jesus.

How old is your kid? Mine will be 6 in September and isn’t very good about cleaning up without direct supervision. 

Oh man. Yes it did. There was a mama bobcat the made her den under my back deck and she had a couple kittens. I called the conservation ppl but they didn’t believe me and when they came to trap she scared him back to his truck.

‘...Buying a live mountain lion.’

And now I’m off to google hermit crabs' lifestyle minutia...

What even is involved in gifting hermit crabs? Did you have to buy them off the internet? I am amazed and appalled and impressed, Phoebe. Brava.

My brother is a 29 year old husband and father and his lego collection has taken his entire basement. His wife literally has a broom that hangs next to the basement door so she can sweep strays back down the stairs and she shouts ‘FORE’ like a golfer when she takes the shot. My sister's oldest kid is 10 and he's been

I was horrified. $150-$200 for a table that is too small for my lanky almost 6 yo to sit at? Excuse me while I laugh until I pee myself.

There’s a spot on my instep that keeps catching the edges of those little square fuckers. After the 3rd time I squawked loud enough that I startled a kitten. This started a stooges-esque chain reaction that ended with my husband hyper extending his knee.


Drum sets seem Def Con 5 to me, tbh.

I had an absolutely disgusting kid-sized card table out in the garage. Tonight I am scraping the split Ninja Turtle vinyl off of it, scrubbing the whole frame with dawn and lysol, and then hot glueing some base plates down. Is it pretty? No. Is it gonna help? Maybe. But it's a helluva lot cheaper than the lego tables