
I believe that we live on the internal surface of a spherical void in the rock stuff of the universe. “Up” is really in. It’s just that what we consider “outer space” becomes increasingly (and, ultimately, infinitely dense) as one approaches the center of the void. Non-euclidian space time is a helluva drug.

I’m so tired of these stupid people.

I mean, is it though?

“If they knew a tenth of what Matt and I know about the globe they would be Flat Earthers.”

Yeah, I honestly don’t get the magnitude of the dislike it gets. I actually really liked the BSG finale, but I’m willing to accept it was not to everyone’s enjoyment. But I felt like if you paid attention, it was an ending that was on the horizon, and it’s not terrible on paper. Unlike, say, the GoT finale, where they

It’s too bad that the internet wasn’t around for the St. Elsewhere finale. I would have loved to have seen its subreddit the day after the finale. 

I’m just annoyed that the BSG finale discussion doesn’t have its own thread in this comments section and is instead being discussed in replies to the Chuck finale.

I loved the all-star Top Ten list on Letterman’s last episode. The theme was something like “Things I want to say to Dave,” and they bring Julia Louis-Dreyfus out and hers is “Thank you for letting me be a part of *another* hugely-disappointing series finale.” Then they cut to Seinfeld, who had delivered one of the

The HIMYM ending was so bad no one cares enough to charge up your hill to kill you.

An unfunny clip show. As great as it was for its entire run it deserves #1.

I don’t want interesting from Seinfeld. I want funny. And it was not.

Let me get this straight. You think one of the largest employers in your state, one of the biggest and richest conglomerates on earth, capable of employing armies of top flight attorneys, doesn’t agree with you politically, and your plan is to get them to do as you say.

If guys like this had to pay fair market rates for not only housework and childcare but also to have someone sleep with them, they'd realize half their income was a bargain. 

Crumbs of Pussy. Band name. Called it

I’m in a depression group that has a lot of incels. I decided to try talking to some one on one and it’s been an interesting experience. Most of them desperately want a connection and the love of another person, they just truly don’t know how to interact in social settings. Many don’t even have male friends because

Florida Man Picks Fight With Huge Media Conglomeration

This is all evidence that you are, in fact, The Thing.

I love Critters but no.

God between that clown doll and the tree, I saw that movie WAY too young.

Can’t wait for “The Broforce”