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Great list, so much hilarity and ear-worminess! Though I would have to include at least one of the tunes from Marge’s star turn in “Streetcar: The Musical” because they’re always popping into my head at the strangest moments lol (“You can always depend on, the kindness of strangers...A stranger’s just a friend you

Hmm, I dunno, I feel like a lot of people are probably of the same mind as me: an upgraded console that transfers my backlogged library while also giving me access to (some) next-gen games would be an insta-buy for me. Maybe I’m wrong and/or not the main demographic (as an older adult who buys lots of indie stuff and

LOL commenters keep talking about “30 year old, 30 year old” — c’mon people, the characters that this guy is trying to make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of (however lovingly) are Nintendo’s CURRENT brand ambassadors! As the OP in this thread pointed out, trying to set up a quality-control and permissions

No joke, I was just blasting one of the official remix tracks in my car a couple days ago and it’s been replaying in my head majestically since then, and now this great news about a whole new world and soundscape to explore! The song was “Golden Ridge” by the way, it’s one of the more beautiful and brain-opening

So I’m sure you’re a good, well-intentioned, intelligent person who is ultimately on the right side of history in most respects. BUT the act of mistakenly reposting this fake image as if it was real is essentially the same thing that people like Alex Jones, Q-folk, MAGA-folk, and the rest of the conspiracy-mongering

GodDAMMMMNNNNN. Michael Harriot. What. A. Writer. That’s all I have to say, while shaking my head in amazement at the scorched-but-sanctified earth in his path. If you see this Mr. Harriot, thank you — I feel like I’ve learned more about these issues from you over the past few years than from any other single source

Amen to that, it has everything SMB3 had and much more, and looks 100 times better in a way that still holds up beautifully today. SMB3 blazed the trail, but World hasn’t lost a step 30 years later bc of the jaw-drooping color boost it got from the SNES, which at the time made teenage me think aliens had visited Earth

Early teenage me was crushed by the NES version of the TMNT game. Picture me and my dumb little friends spending the usual Saturday at the mall during the decadent height of the Late Arcade Era, when you never knew what the hell kind of new awesomeness you would see when you walked in each week because companies were t

Dude thanks so much, because of your article I’m now digging into the archives of Pharaoh Sanders, who I had somehow gone all these years without listening to (verdict so far: holy crap!). Thanks also for such a heartfelt, deeply plumbed exploration of your reactions to Ape Out and the other games, there’s absolutely

I love how a racist troll like this is able to post whatever garbage he wants (“lynch”?? really dude??), but I’ve been stuck in the greys for pretty much every comment I’ve made on this site over several years. Oh well, still a good site.

Also I guess we can thank the good doctor for reminding us that there’s only one

So so wonderful to have you back, I missed your wit and your genuine warmth, and your determined celebration of the inner child that goads all of us into spending our time and money on (supposedly) regretful things! I’ll be doing my version of praying for you and your family as you fight to break out of vehicle mode,

“Beauty and silence both run deep / And I’m running like crazy while you are asleep,” one of my favorite Prine lyrics ever, thanks so much for posting this!

Ahhhhh “Wonderstruck”! Pretty much every year there’s a movie that each of us film slobs ardently believes got the shaft, and these grievances never fail to be highly personal and irreconcilable. This is hardly a big deal given the subjectivity of the Oscar exercise, but like clockwork I’ve gone ahead and taken this

I’d be interested to see how this study’s conclusions deal with the “classics” phenomenon, i.e. songs that endear themselves to multiple generations despite not necessarily being part of their formative experiences. For instance, the Motown hits that came out years before my birth are among my favorites of all time,

Thanks for sharing, these landscapes really take multiple parts of me elsewhere! If you’re ever in touch with the artist maybe suggest he make bigger prints than the ones available on Etsy, many of his pieces deserve to hog the wall...

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Old vid link down, but here’s another one, thanks for posting this beautiful song!

I’ll only say that my compliment was sincere, and that your points are taken.

Oh and for what it’s worth, I’m definitely crossing my fingers that these two moronic provocateur wannabe chicks break some reproductive organs doing keg stands at their first sorority mixer once they back their way into college...

Fair enough, but I think we both know that someone would’ve replied with that very criticism and tried to say how ironic it was that I was exemplifying the exact sort of phenomenon the original poster was criticizing. And hopefully you can understand how frustrating that might be, to be unfairly painted with a broad

Sigh, why would you sully such a great post with a line as stupid as “and I’m not even going to say ‘some’ white people”? I don’t care how (understandably) frustrated and angry you are with the shit-show spectacle we call America 2017, it does no one (least of all yourself) any good to pull out your broadest brush and