
If you included jingles, this list would be much longer. Who can ever forget Barney and Linda Rondstadt singing about how bad Mr. Plow is? I love each and every one of these musicals.

Dr. Zaius is just randomly sung in my house. Mostly to irritate the cat but it is incredible especially the breakdance bit.

The beach scene in Under The Skin left me so disturbed while Scar Jo watched on as the family drowned. It made you feel so helpless.

i’ll definitely be reading the wikipedia recap for all these

Well get on it then, we've been waiting!

I wish I had a picture of Helen Lovejoy saying “won’t someone please think of the children!” and also shitting.

This is a wild point. Who’s inside “the rooms where they make a kid’s show”? A bunch of overworked adults. What on earth would make this particular workplace, where no actual children are present because, again, they don’t hire children to animate children’s shows, a somehow sacred space?

The Enterprise is on the flight deck of the Interpid in New York City. It’s a cool museum on an aircraft carrier.

excited they’re finally getting to work on this, its been the plan all along.  Visiting the Endeavour at the Science Center is pretty much one of the most awesome museum attractions I’ve ever been to.  You just a foot or two away from this magnificent piece of engineering that was in fucking space.  how cool is that.

I think it’s really cool that all of the Orbiters are being displayed differently, showcasing a different phase of their missions. CSC will soon have theirs displayed in launch configuration.  KSC has theirs (Atlantis) displayed as if in flight, with payload bay doors open and an RMS deployed.  And the Smithsonian has

Pfft. Rookie.

It’d be a workplace comedy.

i want to watch an entire movie about a tribe in the jungle doing maintenance on a centuries old death trap so badly now.

I’ve occasionally tried to figure out a plausible mechanism with pre-Columbian technology for such a thing. I suppose they could have invented/discovered some kind of naturally-occurring piezoelectric crystal which would translate into motions/vibration if the amount of light falling on it abruptly changed (you’d have

That had to be CGI.  They tried getting the shot practically, but gophers are intensely curious and always got smushed by the flying refrigerators.

Now playing

Counterpoint: Prince performing Purple Rain as the finale of his Super Bowl halftime performing in a driving south Florida storm is one of the greatest things you’ll ever see (jamming with the legendary FAMU marching band, no less).

Does The Shinning from Treehouse of Horror V count? If so where does it fit on the list?

It was perfectly cast with Richard Dawson being the game show host. He played a great slimy villain. It is eminently rewatchable.

Well, you got some things right, but...
1) Wil Wheaton exists, by the way.
2) The Running Man is great fun, but damn, that source material is still ripe for picking.
3) One thing that gets forgotten about that original It miniseries is just how spooky the adult/kid casting was. I did not know Brandis before this, but it

A couple of these are genuinely awful, so I have to wonder why you'd pick them over the genuinely good 'Dead Zone' movie.