Pete Smith

Times Square can’t be that bad! We’re in NYC for a week in about two weeks and it was at the top of our list of places to visit. Sure, it will be a tourist trap, overly expensive and busy but you have to do things at least once to figure out if its for you. Looking forward to the Ghostbusters VR experience at Madame

There’s nothing to suggest anywhere this guy has violent tendencies, I’d hate to say he wouldn’t because of his laziness because that would be guessing. This is really just a breakup with the addition of living in a house he doesn’t own or seem to contribute towards. Words should do.

I’m with you on this for sure. I hate friends photos with their big heads plastered over everything. At least give us a selfie-free version so we can appreciate the area too. On our honeymoon my wife was selfie master because she likely knew I wouldn’t bother. We got about one selfie per city (10 selfies for 8

Am I the only one who hates it when people wipe their toothpaste covered mouths on a hand towel? The sensible thing would be to use water to rinse your mouth out then use your hand with water to wipe away the excess, not wipe it on a hand towel others use!

I can imagine people wanting to get ahead if they only have hand luggage but that doesn’t really apply to international flights. Its still a dickish thing to do anyway. If people rush to get off the plane it just means waiting longer at the other end for the hold luggage bingo that likely won’t start for another 20

Your commitment to the truth is astounding and they were such good sports. I don’t particularly care one way or another about the Cars movies but it was as entertaining watch!

Has anyone tried these? Can’t seem to get them in the UK but found in both Spain and Budapest. These might be the single best biscuits (I’m from the UK OK) I’ve ever had. Really similar to Penguin biscuits you get here but a quantillion times better.

Has anyone tried these? Can’t seem to get them in the UK but found in both Spain and Budapest. These might be the single best biscuits (I’m from the UK OK) I’ve ever had. Really similar to Penguin biscuits you get here but a quantillion times better.

We managed to eke out a half day without luggage in Budapest thanks to a luggage storage company. We paid, I think, 9 Euros for two suitcases and two backpacks for the day which was a steal. These types of places should be available in most cities, and I’ve already checked New York for later this year and they have

Takeaway Pizza with meats of choice and either topped with or a side of coleslaw and washed down with Irn-Bru is the way to go. If you leave the coleslaw separate then the leftover cold pizza is still good in the morning.

I don’t think I would have ever even considered putting washing up liquid in a dishwasher. They are like two separate products to me. Almost like washing your hair with liquid soap from a hand-wash dispenser. Although both are liquid in that example so not exactly the same. It might be because dishwasher tablets

Now playing

Not sure many Americans will get this but its the first thing I thought of...

The thing that sticks out about your post is savings plans... after 4 months. Very organised and sensible really

I have a friend who would say yes to something in person, like going to a future event/party/gig etc, to his acquaintances and sometimes closer friends and have absolutely no intention of going. Then the time comes to discuss further and arrange and he’s nowhere to be seen. Its because he didn’t want to deal with

I came here for the dutch oven jokes and I am sorely disappointed. Here’s mines:-

We did something similar but with pizza’s - Christmas leftover pizzas. You could make the dough or buy the bases pre-made but pretty much anything is good for a pizza topping.

I’m slightly worried about this when planning our honeymoon to China and Japan next year. We’re all booked up with flights and hotels and have a guided tour in China but for the Japan part of it we’re doing it ourselves (or should I say I am doing it, the other half isn’t interested in the planning). I have made

I imagine the guys who write “hey pretty” are pretty desperate - well they’d date someone who responds to two words and are probably writing those same two works to anyone in a 100 mile radius. Or they are disillusioned after putting the effort in for so long that they have lost patience and basically want you to

Are you concerned this lifetime access will be gone if the company goes bust? I would never buy a lifetime supply of anything unless it was such a good deal but then I’d be wary about why it was such a good deal. It could be a scam where you buy this lifetime membership but after a year the company changes its name

Is this the same thing as when people say “all (insert genre of music) sounds the same”. I’ve usually heard it as a reason for not liking the electronic dance varieties, but that might be my attentional bias because I like dance music and the negatives from others maybe stand out more.