Pete Smith

I wholeheartedly agree. This has laziness and cowardice written all over it. Using a template tops it off, these are personal relationships! If it is just to make you feel better then it should be one of those write a letter and bin it type exercises.

Not sure how you would define “what TVs should be doing”, given technology can only progress so fast. There’s no doubt some planned obsolescence going on with the manufacturers of TVs but they can’t be expected to give us the future now. Where’s the profit in that!? Seriously though, it takes time to get things

I think its one person who starts it. Those who think somehow sitting on a toilet seat that may look clean but is in fact infested with horrible horrible ass eating viruses. They decide to squat but stand on the toilet seat which must be a feat in and of itself but then controlling things must be impossible. Then the

I don’t think getting your middle finger covered in shit is a worthwhile adjustment to make for the sake of a few sheets of toilet roll! Plus I bite my nails so this is a no-no.

That’s how I read it first too!

I would probably prefer to set a budget and being aware of the exchange rate for the destination. The list idea works for standard things (like magnets and small local clay/woodwork designs etc) but you’re likely to come across things you would have had no idea about and therefore can’t put on the list. Obviously if

+100 to the guy for using the fan’s box as the helmet

I was unemployed for three months and couldn’t for the life of me get a job that I wanted. Finally was offered four jobs all within the space of about a week and a half. Just so happens I had started one of them after letting the first two down then the job I really wanted was offered to me. That was an awkward

This really reminds of the show here in UK called Watchdog. There’s a section where they try to catch dodgy builders/workmen/scammers in the act and often the builders etc are completely without remorse “I’ve done nothing wrong” like you have described unless they are trying to work it out in their favour. .If I were

I’ve had second hand experience of this working - I work in a small IT department and I guess you could call my colleague my mentor and he advised someone to put a drive in the freezer. It was a personal drive so not related to the business and he wasn’t too concerned about getting the data off, he definitely didn’t

prefer the UK yellow, red and purple packaging but this article has made me think of how awesome a deep fried Cadbury’s Creme Egg would be. (I am Scottish and love everything deep fried and also know of no restraint)

Yeah I suck on some hard sweets and that seems to relieve it. Find it is worse landing than taking off though.

So this is what I feel! I work as Desktop Support at an outsourcing IT company so have been moved about quite a bit. Doing things like backfill cover for people on holidays and the getting involved in the odd project has been good but many times I’ve felt like surely there must be someone better than me at this

It all works really well until the bumbling fool tumbles back and he’s surrounded by a grey background that isnt in the car then the next frame he’s back in the car. Did that really make it into the movie?!

Bike. Its a nice ride along the River Tay for about 20 minutes (or 15 or a bit less if I beast it). Weather may start to get worse so might be forced onto the bus. Moving soon and don't know how long my commute will be, hopefully less than 15 miles so I can still cycle it.

I feel a lot of peer pressure is in our heads (is that the definition of peer pressure?). As you've said being honest is generally met with understanding so is this really peer pressure or perceived peer pressure? Is there a grey area between "what I think my friends think" and "what they actually think" where peer

Not sure if this is counts as British humour, or any type of humour really. I'm having a really hard time picking up on any humorous tones in her voice, like she isn't being dry or cheeky or showing any kind of sarcasm and I'd expect something considering this is "News". Unless she is just really bad at saying funny

I get paid weekly and bills are monthly and spread throughout the month which makes it difficult to track. I created a gdoc spreadsheet with four tabs - income in one section, two columns for outgoings in another section on each tab and each week the second column of outgoings changes depending on how many weeks

Its good to hear someone (well not good, but comforting at least) has had the same problem and I believe there are probably millions of other adults the same. I don't think I was ever miles ahead of the class just in the top percentage. Until about 3rd year (in Scotland so I was about 14) I was getting by purely on