Pete Smith

I am pretty bad at choosing gifts, sometimes its because there is too much choice and sometimes its because the person is really difficult to buy for because they have everything and I don't do token gifts. Perhaps I do things the lazy way but I just ask people what they want. I don't think the stress of worrying

definitely a woman who thinks too literally

I normally put my relationship status up there once it can be classed as a relationship and most of my friends already know about it. At this point though I mainly use facebook for real friends and some acquaintances but I feel no remorse deleting people I haven't been in contact with for some time. If my profile

So glad I haven't heard about this sort of thing in the UK. Religious folks here (seem to be) much more reserved and keep to themselves. It might be because someone claiming to exorcise a "gay demon" or anything as crazy would be laughed out of here so fast. Or maybe I'm wrong and just don't hear about religious

two swordfish swimming towards each other, I guess the owner of this eye lost

I thought I recognised that workspace from the photo alone (specifically the speakers and microphone), I watch Marques's videos on YouTube sometimes - good reviews and comparisons etc! Box of Cheerios is missing though! Not sure I find workspace porn so interesting but I like it more because its minimal rather than

My first thought was, wow eating so much is such a problem now its considered a disease! Then rationality took over and I realise its probably not strictly a disease, just under the purview of a section of the government with that in its name.

Probably true for most smokers but drinking is a bit of a different animal IMO. Smoking to me is so disgusting though I've never tried it - but then I generally don't give in to peer pressure. I used to drink a lot (once or twice a week, so hardly alcoholic level) when I was younger and honestly, it was probably

When I read this I immediately thought of Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story 3, that was hilarious. Although I realise his language changed, not really to do with what is said here.

Unfortunately there will always be some crevice on your face for bugs to crawl into!

I don't know if anyone will see this but its worth a try. I've searched for this post after trying to read comments on another post. Please for the love of god give us an option to view all comments in the old tree style layout. Maybe this new system is designed to only appeal to those super-interested people who

Pretty glad I found this website for these movie news roundup posts!

that vampire blood is good shiz! It will take a bit of getting used to but I think Chris will be great in this role!