
You’re the best, Roo. But the WORST joke goes... Two peanuts walk into a bar. One was assaulted.... By Bret Kavanaugh

So much this. I’ve been mumbling Merrick Garland under my breath every time I hear “unfair” for a long time. It would pain me but I’d say *45 made a smart decision if he made that shift. Hell, it'd give him something to sign and look like he did something

This is a good take. Seen it from the other angle. Forprofit prisons *headshake*

Gotta say it. All Ages is one of the better Greatest hits comps.

Or rubbernecking the giant highway pileup of an admin... or writing jokes for late night tv.

I mean, I suppose his ratings are fairly high, but it doesn’t mean what he thinks it does.

Seems like an apt place to leave this

Where’s my screaming pillow? Take goddamned turns, folks

“God is dead” works pretty well, I’ve found

These fucking swine. Now I have to find and put on NOFXs “Kill All The White Men”... again. Fuckety fuck these scum

Came for the Bundy Bounce. Thank you kindly

I wish these chucklefucks would take a page out of George Costanza’s playbook and do the exact opposite of whatever their insticts tell them to do. Guaranteed improvement

New to av...but was glad to see this review. Will check out

Or Shatner. Or, more likely, Stewart Gilligan Griffin

Stl isnt great

OT, but what happened to Ballaban? I was wondering about Orlove too, but just assumed he was living out of his new fiata

My rage is off the charts with this shit. Sooo all climate scientists should be driving relief aid trucks?

Practical vs theorhetical, Marty!!