I'm thinking it's up there with the term "Fuel-Efficient Pimp" that someone coined in reference to the ELR...
a friend from college who grew up in Bed Stuy showed me a similar trick with one of these
CLASSIC. Can't stop laughing. My kids think I'm nuts.
The Dyslexic Agnostic Insomniac: Lies awake at night and wonders if there really is a Dog.
I see this all the time, and I wonder if it's accurate:
I wanted to hand down my '85 Caprice (a.k.a. The Snotrocket, due to its dull ugly green color) to my daughter, but it didn't work out that way. I ended up selling it and helping her buy a 2005 Saturn Ion. At least she learned to drive in the Caprice...
What, no Corvair?
THIS. I love all the Headquake stuff, but this one in particular with the soundtrack kills me. I can't stop watching it.
That's exactly what i thought when i saw it.
On the one hand, I dislike this for the same reason I dislike lane-departure-warning systems and whatever they call that proximity-sensor thing Mercedes has that maintains your following distance and panic-brakes you to a full stop when necessary if you're not paying fucking attention to DRIVING THE GODDAMN CAR, FOR…
i'll take the 124 if nobody wants it
we used to call that skitchin'...
a guy i knew in high school had a brown Mustang II with a warmed-over 302 and T-tops. LOVED that car.
there was only one thing i ever liked about the Avenger: this commercial.