parkrndl is enjoying his midlife crisis

I would definitely download and print cars to use as HO scale slot car bodies if the technology became attainable... already talked about it a little here.

Buddy of mine races mowers too... he favors old Wheel Horse machines (maybe 16hp or so? does that sound right?) for stock pulling classes, but just bought something for a modified class that comes out of the hole at something like 9 grand and was dynoed at 30 or 40 HP. I just sent links to this vid and article...

My hobby is HO scale slot cars. The guys in the hobby are rabid about getting new and unusual bodies in plastic for their cars. (You can always use a diecast body, and some guys are into that sort of thing, but they are way heavier than plastic and change the whole nature of driving the car.) Currently the only

I always loved these. The way the Opel GT looked like a scaled-down Corvette, I always thought this should have been scaled UP into a Nova- or Chevelle-sized car. I know that computer monitors don't always show colors accurately, but I'm thinking that orange may well be the original color.

ever heard of these guys?

Mitsu for me. My most recent "one that got away" was a '92 Roadmeister Estate Wagon. The Diamante does a better job of approximating that than the VW.

Blow me, Nibbles...

Definitely a big ass American yacht from the days of the Brat Pack. Personally, if I could build a dream garage, that's what it'd be full of. I can completely get behind the Rivieras and Eldorados and Thunderbirds I've seen mentioned, but my favorites are Lincolns. And I don't think anyone has mentioned the

"It's a prized possession he keeps hidden under a tarp in a garage..."


I let go of my '92 Roadmaster Estate Wagon at 185k when the tranny quit. Still kicking myself, though I know it was the right thing to do... it was trying to nickel-and-dime me to death BEFORE the transmission...

I haven't worked mine all out yet, but it starts with a Chevy Monza or Vega. Either a small GM V-8 or a big GM V-6 mated to a 5-speed...

hey that's AWESOME. i remember a zillion years ago AutoWeek or Car and Driver or someone tested a GM factory experimental vehicle where they put a different 60-degree v6 (pretty sure it was just a 2.8) in a Chevette. the consensus was that it was AWESOME and Chevy should have mass produced it...

Senior year of high school, my girlfriend called me all excited that her dad was giving her his wife's old car. She swore six ways from Sunday that he told her it was a 40-XP. I had no idea what the hell that was till I saw it the next day...

Funny, my exact thought when I saw the lead pic was "my God that's grotesque"...

Love the Ferrari. Reminds me of that Fiat coupe that showed up here not long ago, which I also liked better than the Alfa it was up against. I'm a sucker for punishment, I guess.

AUGH. I fuckin' HATE jughandles. Whenever I drive from PA to LI to visit family, I dread having to get off for any reason in Jersey... once we leave PA, if someone's gotta take a piss, they're waiting till we get to Brooklyn at least. And yes, I know navigating Brooklyn sucks too. I guess it says something that

I got 2 things in my head now:

must... look away... from the fat chicks...

i was thinking #hoonoftheday