Wow, that is sharp. Never knew they even existed.
Wow, that is sharp. Never knew they even existed.
yeah, was that when they set a model rocket engine or something to fire off when they crashed a car into the side of the truck?
Come to think of it, mine was missing the hood ornament you have in that pic when I got it. I bought a bootleg one from JC Whitney. Shows where my head was at age 16...
Awwwww. I had a '77 Cougar 2-door. Junior year of high school, woulda been '85-'86. God, that car sucked. Weighed as much as three Corollas, and had the same emasculated 302 you referred to. Any kind of cornering over 5 mph and you felt like the rocker panels were gonna scrape. But I kinda liked that about it...…
You think that's bad... I clicked the link for Real Doll Repairs, even though I KNEW what a Real Doll was already.
Love the '68 Stingray contour to the fender tops. Not sold on the roof, though.
When I was 12 or 13, Dad let me try out his '80 Citation on a dirt road when we visited friends in upstate New York. Then when I was 15, there were a couple of adventures with my parents' cars when they weren't home, and one or two with my own car, a rusted '70 Malibu which I bought before I could get a license, when…
A zillion years ago, Satch Carlson wrote a piece on this in Autoweek. IIRC, he said it sucks when people ask you what to buy and then go and do whatever they were going to do anyway, but it's even WORSE when they actually TAKE YOUR ADVICE and then you have to watch them imperiously roll by in their new M5 while you…
I know it seems really perverse, but that Omega is calling to me.
Yeah, that's me. Don't look too close, she's definitely a 20-footer. I just took the Rally wheels off and I'm trying different 14" wheelcovers. I only have 2 of those wire ones and they need some serious cleanup and TLC, but I like them and they are the correct optional ones for '64-'66 Impalas. I am in the process of…
as i've posted here numerous times... god i miss my '92 roadmeister estate wagon :(
Just Googled Kristen Bell. Wow.
I've thought this guy was awesome ever since I saw him in Zathura. (Yes, I know, it's a kids' movie. It's still a good movie.)
Understeer is when the front of the car hits the wall first, oversteer is when the back of the car hits the wall first.
Nope, it's HO. Atlas and Lionel brand track from the '60s.
Nope, it's HO. Atlas and Lionel brand track from the '60s.
I'm not at the level this guy is at, but I'm trying...