Sadly, I don't think I've ever driven anything truly awesome. I drove a friend's SRT-8 Challenger a couple years ago, and a 4th-gen Camaro that had been modified up to maybe 450 HP, but that's about as great as it's gotten for me.
Sadly, I don't think I've ever driven anything truly awesome. I drove a friend's SRT-8 Challenger a couple years ago, and a 4th-gen Camaro that had been modified up to maybe 450 HP, but that's about as great as it's gotten for me.
Wow. And I just wandered in here from Jalopnik for giggles...
now THAT right there is some funny shit.
might be a little tough to find...
Buddy of mine does this. Absolutely crazy shit. Looks like fun, though...
I've watched the first few eps on Netflix... never checked to see just how many they have...
I saw a pristine one in that color here in town a year or two ago. I actually stopped and snapped a pic, it was so pretty. too bad i can't find the pic for the life of me...
i downloaded "Jane" (British accent) onto our TomTom because if I gotta have yet another woman telling me what to do, she sure as hell better sound sexy doing it.
Needed a lightly used commuter (60 miles daily round trip, wife and I ride together whenever possible) that did better on gas than my '05 Pacifica or her '09 Sedona. Looked in the sensible sedan class, roughly 3-5 years old, more or less ruled out Camry and Accord because 1. they don't depreciate and 2. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.…
I hate Illinois Nazis.
My favorite is DaVinci's on 65th and 18th in Brooklyn. That's the ONE THING I miss about NY... good pizza.
Dude. Loverboy? Really? What are you, some kind of geezer?
we were like 18 or 19. since she grew up in brooklyn, she had managed to get a license without ever actually learning how to merge onto a highway. so she was sitting on an on-ramp, half paralyzed with fear. oh, and it was dark out, just to make it more interesting. from the passenger seat, i reached my foot across…
Jet exhaust taillights
funny, i was aware of that usage of the word, but i don't think i've ever heard anyone use it in real life. the only two times i remember hearing/seeing it used that way at all were:
Is that.... Poison Ivy?
got it. awesome. thank you.
"That rust [on the frame] is a lot worse than we thought."
FWIW, the price is currently $23,000... did he drop it since this morning?