It makes me sad, cuz I LOVED my '70, and I think this thing is gorgeous... but at this price, it's pipe. This is numbers-matching big-block money, not base-car-customized money, even if it's customized right.
It makes me sad, cuz I LOVED my '70, and I think this thing is gorgeous... but at this price, it's pipe. This is numbers-matching big-block money, not base-car-customized money, even if it's customized right.
Dude, you're like my brother from another mother. My '70 is also the one that got away, not long after yours did. I bought it in '88, during my sophomore year of college, knowing it had a grenaded engine and I had to tow it home. My build sheet said 400 small block, but over the next year, I put in a crate 350 and…
5 Beetle
Oh yeah, I can support that. With ZZ Top's "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide" playing.
I've seen pics of that before. Agreed, that's an absolutely beautiful ride.
well played, sir.
i miss my Roadmonster Estate Wagoon...
Yuck. Agree with Fordboy... the concept is right, but the execution in this case is oh so wrong.
at 1:50, slot car track FTW!
Man, is that sharp. Is that a one-off, too, or did some custom body manufacturer actually make a few of them?
That may just have been this morning. I was driving through the middle of town and stopped at a light, in the left lane, next to a guy in an Accord. Light turned green, we accelerated roughly together. I knew my lane ended several blocks up, so I accelerated a little harder and signaled to move right. I don't…
very cool vid, sideways vintage Vettes are awesome, but something about that car...
Are you referring to the burgundy-colored car? I noticed it immediately; it appears to be in a few of the pics from different angles. I'm thinking circa-1978 Mercury Cougar.
FWIW, the Detroit guy appears to be in a first-gen (1970-72) Monte Carlo.
Why would they back away? I think it'd be a cool project car. Hell, Nissan did that crazy-ass Jukezilla...
Pretty sure Egan wrote an article I read a zillion years ago about a trusty old Chevy van, and which I still quote in reference to my property-value-lowering '85 Caprice: "It looks too bad and runs too good to sell."
Seconded. Always loved the long commercial/short film that Infiniti created to promote it... it was called "Born Again Muscle Car" or somesuch. The M45 driver gets in a street race with a '68 Camaro and a late '60s Coronet (I think, my vintage Mopar knowledge is a little rusty). He keeps right with them on the…
From the Department of Useless Minutiae: In the lead picture, is that Datsun wearing Toyota wheels?
Saw one of them in the flesh at Carlisle a couple years ago. Pretty slick. Did want.