
Never to be outdone, O.J. gladly received several prison mushroom stamps himself

Cardboard fan cutout #547 of 5,465

I mean it's bound to happen when you give Stephen Curry the key to the city at a Steve Perry fan convention

I looked at my partner, I said, ‘he’s ripe for the taking today.

The perfume seems to be working better than the old method of putting a Kerry Kittles turd in front of a fan.

I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned as something to avoid doing in the wedding toast post

+1 Eldridge Recasner on the scene


Now playing

Adapting my lifestyle to fit this song over the past few weeks has yielded disastrous results. I've never been in so many rooftop knife fights with pimps.

Nothing proves that you don't bluff more than a Marc Gasol lay-in

A player-spokesman also added that the University of Alaska-Anchorage isn't nearly as awesome as coach said it was going to be, either.

So did Kroll Show ever end up happening?

I had always heard that cyclists had deadly farts

Also, Andy Reid is devoted to retiring as a fat cadaver someday

This would have been a much more impressive preview if the new set was shown being run by 50 or so CGI Mel Kipers

Man that hard drive would look sharp hooked up to my customized 49ers Super Bowl XLVII Champions edition laptop. Too bad I invested all of my disposable income into Bangladeshi warehouse construction company futures. Oh well.

Way to go Ronde!

Denim manufacturer "Bad Idea Jeans" has been devastated after losing the bidding war with Levi's

Not to mention that sweeeet Carolina smoke!