Fake Plastic Tree


AI might not be going away, but I’m not sure it’s getting better.

Is Lamar free on Tuesday nights?

Thanks for the semi-literate view. Sheryl Crow has more actual talent than all these hiphop mumblers put together.

I’m fine with Buzzfeed News but please don’t purge Buzzfeed. I can’t lose years worth of Gossip Girl listicles. 


It does have a very prosaic name for a medical condition, like it was named by a four year old.

The fine and community service will be assigned to Janet Jackson.

I’m not sure what Justin Timberlake maybe using a blaccent 20 years ago has to do with a drunk driving arrest today, but then again, I’m not the AV Club.

Hold on, slow down. There was a script?

The Man Who Ate U.N.C.L.E.

Is there really “baiting” or are you shipping a relationship that is presented as platonic?

Looks like Tilda!

He also thinks Tom Cruise is a fun guy so I think his credulousness is pretty well proven

But, how did the rest of your date with the Black Keys go?

Julia Louis-Dreyfus remains unchallenged as the Best Dreyfus(s).

The Batman Forever soundtrack is excellent as well, and much better than the source material.

Garfield Minus Garfield is a good version.

The problem is in real life, this Nick Offerman president would have been a beloved godlike figure to one of those states. He either ran on the “philosophy” of Texas (aka MAGA), or he ran on the philosophy of California.

28-3) Every other Pixar movie