Fake Plastic Tree

That pig was clearly a first time actor...

There are in fact thousands of movies that are not Wes Anderson movies that you can watch.

Nah, I like that it’s following the Twilight Zone model of “it doesn’t have to be one thing every time.” Deliberately naming the zigs and zags under a different title would just cement Black Mirror’s reputation for “what if phones but bad?”

‘A Very Special Episode of Black Mirror’

lots of people saw coco and it was very good. you should be one of those people.

Man, it’s been like forever since I had a vacation with a psychosexual quadrangle.

Update: people know their close friends with greater depth, complexity and compassion than a bunch of random strangers on the internet, more at 11:15.

What a profile in courage, possibly set to a twee record collection

He’ll be okay.

To be fair it only took like 5 episodes for him to be a lawyer. And the route they took to get there was pretty entertaining, and laid the foundation for his relationship with every other character for the show. Personally, I think the biggest mistake they made was the entire evangelical storyline of the first season.

I still say that as long as Affleck was still there, they should have had him make a cameo as George Reeves’ Superman as a reference to his role in Hollywoodland.

Does what exactly? The Watchmen show was better than anything Moore ever wrote. Moore is a curmudgeonly old bastard, and I can’t blame him when it comes to the many horrible adaptations of his work made it to film, but the HBO Watchmen isn’t one of them. The writers room for Watchmen was predominantly Black writers

Both of these are examples of something I think Barry has gotten weaker at in its later seasons— namely, the willingness to sacrifice plausibility or character consistency in order to advance the plot in the way the writers want to. (See also, Barry’s escape from prison, which isn’t totally unbelievable but shouldn’t

Ever since The Happening.

Or the first meeting:

“Mm-hmm, yes, add to cart.” 

Mark Wahlberg is afraid of the woods.  I pooped myself.

then don’t watch it

I think the shot late in Episode 4 where John opens the fridge and there’s only six bottles of wine, six beers and a donut with a bite out of it kind of lent itself to the idea that it was a dream/fantasy because what family would have nothing but that in there. Turns out it now seems to be the reality of the

They’re in Hell. (You thought Kim Wexler had a rough go of it--meet Sally.) I’ve never rooted so hard for Barry to go back to being a hitman. He talks about responsibility and thinking about others here to his son, but he’s just as selfishly monstrous sans the violence. He knows his wife and son are miserable, but,