Fake Plastic Tree

Love the show, love Coon, think the whole thing is fantastic. But I actually think Eccleston is the one weak element. For starters, I never really believed he and Nora were siblings (didn’t sound, look, or act alike, and their shared history seemed forced). And his manner of bug-eyed screaming every line grated on me

They should’ve just done a joint press conference and said, we regret it, but everyone has brown, circular protuberances, get over it.

What has she done for him lately?

My 2- and 3-year-old daughters watch Turning Red (or as they call it, Red Panda) about 5 times a week.

I think she is related to that Dreyfus!

In the example you present as a gotcha, people say “they” because they don’t know the gender (or number) of the person (such as: “If somone calls me, tell them I’ll call them back”). I wouldn’t refer to my mom or my boss or a clerk at the store in the plural once they’ve been identified in the context of speech. In

She is basically saying the same thing Seinfeld is (which I tend to agree with) but she was nicer about it and didn’t say the word “woke” so I guess its’ ok.

You either have grace, or you don’t. You can’t acquire grace

Why does it matter? 

The post-show podcast actually goes into the digital piece a bit. On the 1999 Curb special (pre-show), HBO made them use cheaper-looking cameras to save money. Garlin says he unsuccessfully tried to argue against it with Larry and the director at the time, but they weren’t familiar enough with the technology to take

Larry doesn’t cancel

Has anyone, in the history of the internet (that is now 30 years old for most of us), ever accidentally clicked on a pop-up ad and bought a product? Just once? It’s like they’re trying to trick you into finding soemthing you didn’t know you wanted. Has it ever worked, ever?

And Allison Janney was part of that finale too! (very close to the end). If Allison Janney comes callng, your show is DEAD.

I thought it was weird that tidbit was dropped and nothing came of it, especially since it was one scene from the end. Maybe in our heads we’ll imagine Larry getting shot some day

I got a Community notification for this?

How much content can Pete Davidson produce that is loosely based on his early life? Is his life that interesting that it needs multiple movies, shows, stand-up specials, skits, etc?

The “abortion” scene in Prometheus was gory and frightening in all the best ways. It felt organic to what Noomi Rapace’s character would have to do in that situation and was just generally suspenseful. Just a good movie all around.

True, but (judging by trailer only) the fact that TX and CA are on the same side of the s-called Civil War, it’s so far off from the current political reality I’m not sure how much anyone can take the rest of the message seriously. It’s too big of a knowledge gap to overcome (possibly). Might as well set the movie in

That is not a view shared by basically anybody, including Larry David.

I had forgotten than Vince Vaughn was a Funkhouser until his name was mentioned in this episode LOL.

This was, on a joke-by-joke basis, probably the funniest of the season so far. Especially the Tinkerbell bit and Larry arguing about the kid’s name at the synagogue.