Fake Plastic Tree

Was also surprised he folded so quickly after seeming not to take anyone else’s empty threats (Callie, Shauna, Jeff) very seriously up to that point.

One of the “if this was real life” scenarios I find so odd about this show is that if a coach did survive a crash with all the teammates, he would totally be “in charge” by virtue of being the only adult. Strange that they structured the character to be an afterthought so that he can disappear for hours or days on

This is so obvious I can’t believe it was omitted in favor of something like Leaving Las Vegas, which is depressing but hardly even discussed anymore.

This particular film would’ve been much better if it had more of Jesus pre-crucifixion it in (a la the first 2/3 of Last Temptation) instead of boring and repetitive lashings.

And I used to watch Alternative Nation religiously. She seemed kooky and irreverent.. a little unhinged. Still can’t believe she took such a deep dive to the dark side

What about the cornfield chase in North by Northwest? I was ducking on my couch when the plane swooped down!  Can’t imagine seeing it in the theater in 1959

I actually thought this was the best episode yet, evern if I am TBD on the kiss at the end. So many laugh-out-loud lines (“not a duet,” “guac the taco,” “we talked about not eating the ties”) and touching moments too (the actual engagement; the “proof” picture). Really digging this show more and more.

Plus the believing! In THINGS!

There will totally be a “snap out of it!” montage.  Great prediction

Definitely worthy in the roles mentioned in the piece, though.. Selena, Hustlers (a surprise snub on Oscar morning), even Out of Sight! Probably her best work. Definitely could’ve rounded out the Oscar lineup instead of Meryl Streep in One True Thing zzzzzzzzzzzz

Speaking of Hsu, and then Hong Chau in Episode 2, Lyonne found a way to include 40% of this year’s Best Supporting Actress nominees this season!

Since Rian Johnson has worked with Jamie Lee Curtis before, perhaps she’ll be in the finale and make it 60%!

I recently had three undeveloped rolls of film in an old box that must have been at least 15-20 years old. I assumed they would be unusably ruined by now but thought I’d get them developed anyway. To my surprise, the color was mostly desaturated but the pics were pretty clear — some old college pics I had totally

Reminds me of the 2003 season when Dreamworks ran Variety ads from a bunch of Oscar pundits predicting that Renee Zellweger “WILL WIN” Best Supporting Actress for “Cold Mountain,” but those same pundits also declaring Shohreh Aghdashloo “SHOULD WIN” for Dreamworks’ “House of Sand and Fog.” The ad campaign was

Agreed. Masterful tying of the past and present (just like earlier seasons), great performances, and a bunch of history I was learning for the first time. Plus the intro sequence of the Romanov was devastating.

And Just Like That, they brought Samantha back

I honestly have never seen “themself” in an article before

What Would You Say, I think

Well, it does if that didn’t happen. Soon-Yi gave an interview to Vulture a few years ago where she very convincingly describes the toxic household Mia raised her in, and that she had no fatherly (or otherwise) relationship with Allen at all until much later — in fact, she thought he was a jerk for merely being in a

Yea.. why even repeat their names here? These are mostly contractual obligations to receive a piece of profit for involvement in previous seasons. Harrelson and McConaughey will have zero creative input to the new season.

Like.. this is way more clear: “Today, Rolling Stone reports that Miller has been accused of housing three young children and their mother on a farm the actor owns in Vermont.”

Now that I wrote that, it seems like the author went out of the way to add an extra “they” in there, when this is so much clearer.