Fake Plastic Tree

It’s the prequel, Five Feet Under

Were ballots out long enough post-Michael K. Williams’ death for voters to choose him?

Is Jennings’ many apologies over the years not enough that he can have this opportunity? One (mild) strike and you’re out forever?

I haven’t seen a single person care about that dumb tweet outside of Twitter.  And he genuinely apologized. So just give it to him.

So she’s allowed to be shitty to him because he owes her for the privilege of being born?

Backdoor creampilot

Or mid-‘90s Guns n’ Roses. Featuring their hit single, “Sweet Dump o’Mine”

Still don’t think a teenage singer lip-syncing an existing song 5 years before she famous means anything to anyone other than those who feel the need to be outraged.

This is what we call a straw man, folks. Obviously racism is bad, using racial slurs is bad, and not acknowledging that people have been harmed by racism is bad. What I asked was.. how has anyone been caused harm by *this specific* instance of a 13-year-old girl, pre-fame, lip-syncing to a song? I doubt a single

apologizes for how the video came across and for the harm it caused.”

What harm did it cause? Did videos of a teenager before she was famous cause harm to a single person? Honest question.

I think you’re right on the DVDs.. and just in time, too, before they’re basically obsolete since everything streams nowadays.

Definitely. I was actually thinking to myself after watching it, who is the best *actor* (not most prolific, or most famous, but *best*) and I think it’s:

1. Lisa Kudrow
2. Jennifer Aniston
3. David Schwimmer
4. Courtney Cox
5. Matthew Perry
6. Matt LeBlanc

Also as Robert Kardashian in the OJ miniseries. “Juice!” He was surprisingly good in it.

A Transponster of Friends

Also, it’s a little different than how Friends started out. It was the Jerry Seinfeld show, plus 3. Jerry (and Larry) wrote/produced/crated the show. Friends was designed with unknown actors as an egalitarian group where no one Friend was the lead.

God, the classic Late Show days of Letterman in the early/mid ‘90s were truly magical. And early Conan was amazing too.

Yes, ScarJo is just the voice. Adams’ role isn’t huge, but it’s a lived-in, contemporary, bit of melancholy performance that’s quite appealing.

Amy Adams in HER is the best Amy Adams.

It’s not *that* bad. I didn’t see either of the big twists coming. And the cast is aces across the board. It’s just doesn’t go beyond pulpy summer popcorn flick.

I don’t understand this remark. He hasn’t dismissed the vaccines or mask-wearing. What is his sin in this regard?