Fake Plastic Tree

It doesn’t sound crazy if she legitimately had no idea the work environment was so terrible for the staff, and heard about it for the first time in Variety that morning.

I have no knowledge if she was “mean” or not, but the existence of sad interns and staffers who don’t get to interact with her doesn’t mean Ellen

Didn’t he say he’d do those things already prior to the checklist?

But look at the comments on this article and you see the opposite

Counterpoint: The best things in life are free

Us us us us us us and Them them them them them

Well, perhaps she was the better actress, or the actresses had other similarities that the producers saw, except that their skin tones didn’t match.

It’s not stated explicitly, but I think she was playing the younger character of an existing person on the show?

If anything in “The Crown” is to be believed, there’s a cadre of advisors who constantly “guide” the Queen in all matters related to keeping tradition, protecting the reputation of the monarchy, press interactions, etc. And at least on the show, they are shown time and time again to give either terrible advice or

Antz is clearly better than A Bug’s Life. This is standard AV Club Woody Allen erasure.  If it was, say, Albert Brooks as Z, no one would say otherwise.

I was hoping and praying that after he won his Oscar, the Academy would arrange for him and Claire Danes to present an award together at the ceremony. It’s the 1994 reunion America needs right now.

The Silence of the Innocents
Manhunt of the Slaughter
Silent Slaughter of the Little Innocent Manhunt

Flight was better than I was expecting it to be. Probably one of his better performances from the ‘00s.

I assume the colony ship was an intentionally vague loose thread to give us hope that...


...if the 2 astronauts who made it Jupiter wanted to start the human race anew, they’d need more people to reproduce than just themselves and their newborn.

That sounds like Deep Impact

I also saw it four times with different people each time. I would never do that now. It was simply culturally inescapable.

Well, it’s Best Picture, not Movie Most Likely to Inspire Others.

Bullets Over Broadway” missed out on a Best Pic nom but was nominated for many others (inc. Best Director) and won Dianne Wiest her second Oscar (“don’t speak!”). It should be part of the conversation as well.

Excellent in “When They See Us” from last year, would’ve loved to hear about that.

My mom took me to see it in the theater! Didn’t know the plot, just that it was a critically acclaimed crime movie.  That was fun

But Hughes’ accusations of being yelled at on a movie set =/= McGowan’s accusations of sexual misconduct