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Musically, listen to the album-ending throwaway track on Bush’s 16 Stone, “X-Girlfriend,” and the influence is staggering:

Maybe she wasn’t a Russian-born spy but a turned American asset

Me too!

Until this article I thought they were the same person! Was wondering why no one had mentioned “Hereditary.”

100%. The article says Dylan “reiterated her claims in 2014.” So.. nothing new except new outrage.

“Yesterday” SPOILER ALERT:

Was anyone else disappointed in the John Lennon scene near the end? I thought it was a clever conceit, as the thought of him still being alive somewhere hadn’t even crossed my mind. And the second he opened the door, it was like a wave of nostalgia/regret/sadness washed over the theater..

That is peak 1991! Love all those

Now there is MTV Classic on some channel in the 800s that actually does only play music videos (albeit just from the early 2000s and prior). Nickelodeon has some music channel that seems to play brand-new videos from Katy Perry, Lizzo, Khalid, etc.

I love it as well and have since I saw it in the theater on opening weekend at 18. But as mentioned in the article, the Worm plotline was in the shooting script and kinda makes little sense without the full story — it’s kind of a mystery introduced and never resolved.

Since I loved the movie so much, I bought the

I don’t think the U.S. border (north and south) is patrolled at every single mile. And I would assume they have vastly fewer resources 

Agree.. wasn’t he hinted at being gay? It would’ve been interesting to see that explored more.. to see if he could’ve convince Fred to sleep with him for Gilead advancement (that’s where I though his storyline was heading)

Also, she went on a sabbatical to Lake Tahoe, not Montauk

Makes you want to throw a scoop of ice cream at the writing staff.

This has to be the strongest:

I think you’re way too negative on the episode. Ann Dowd was great, and I really thought her backstory was persuasive in explaining how she got to where she is. I really don’t think the producers have any racial statement to make.. just so happens that most Marthas are black, and so happens to be Ofmathew.

David Lynch isn’t just some other people

vs. Boys vs. Girls vs. The People vs. Larry Flynt vs. Spy vs. Spy

It’s good. Not exceptional, but funny and pleasant. And Jenna Fischer and Oliver Hudson have great chemistry.

All those terrific movies like Annie Hall, Sleeper, Love & Death, Manhattan, and (yes) Manhattan Murder Mystery?

Wait.. so they will be Siamese non-cats? Conjoined cats? Siamese turtles?

That doesn’t make sense. If they aren’t cats you’d obviously have to redo the song.