Fake Plastic Tree

Well, look who’s counting crows

I thought it was Katherine Waterston for a second

Fun fact: Mary Lambert, director of the 1989 original (and Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” video that same year), is the sister of former Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR).

I don’t wanna be buried in a pet cemetery. I don’t wanna live my life again.

I actually thought T3 was pretty good as well.

Now it looks like I just did mine for the credit as opposed to Mr. Wonderful Anonymous

You don’t win friends with salad.

Good points, but what I was getting at was that people know what LBJ and Cheney look like, and very likely don’t know what Lee Israel looks like.

But you’re right.. there would’ve been criticism either way.

Do 99.9% of the people who see the movie actually know what Lee Israel looks like? She could’ve just looked like herself.. what difference would it make?

I’ll be honest. I need an African elephant and I need it today. But this just isn’t what I’m looking for.

Haha. They did.. someone mentioned it upthread

University of Second Choice

RBG survived it!

He looks JUST like Al Gore

So sad, RIP. His greatest piece of acting on 90210 was watching his dad get blown up in the car bomb after they reunited. Super dramatic moment, even for this show.

The original is such a good movie. Was one of my favorites throughout middle and high school. Entire cast is aces.. Tony Todd, Virginia Madsen, Vanessa Williams. It’s actually scary, not pretend jump-scare scary.

So he was also responsible for the most emotional 5 minutes in modern animation -- the closing scene of Futurama’s “Jurassic Bark.”

What was the twist??

I didn’t think Enemy was siccessful, but the others are excellent.

Yea. This is one cold open that actually made me laugh out loud, and hit on all the relevant memes and memorable moments from the hearing perfectly. Even Damon shouting “WHAT?!” after the first question had me howling. For once in a looong time, well done, SNL.