Fake Plastic Tree

In & Out & In & Out & In & Out

The Ice Storm was great - but I would argue Sigourney Weaver and Joan Allen were even greater in it.

It’s his non-union Welsh equivalent

And ANTZ is still better than A Bug’s Life.

No, it was the one about the jewel thief

Yes.. look at all these landmark films from 1999:

It also gave us the classic “Ghetto Supastar” on the soundtrack! (set to the rhythm of “Islands in the Stream” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers)

I don’t find you attractive, but Madonna, I’m smitten with you. I am... but only when you’re in Aretha. When I was with her night, I was looking into her eyes and could sense your feminine longing.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

but Melrose Place!!

The robot in me is the robot in you

Fun fact: Aretha, Madonna, Marvin Gaye, and Taylor Swift are the only artists to have a song peak at each position from #1 thru #10 on the Billboard Hot 100.

There’s also a difference between stabbing your wife (!!!!!! - I had never heard this about Mailer either) and a sexist quote from Picasso.

Hemsworth is on his way to the Peach Pit to serenade Donna with the other members of Color Me Badd

Ha never knew that

I spent hours and hours playing Sonic and never got that til just now. Thanks!!

Ah, yea.. the coincidence bothered me briefly, but not too much because that storyline needed some resolution. The rapping bothered me more because it just didn’t seem like something someone would do in that situation. The guilt seemed real.

I have never listened to We Have The Facts and We’re Voting Yes, but it’s always been an amazing album title to me. Maybe because I work in politics. 

This works on so many levels.. it’s either a sick burn of Death Cab as inferior to Postal Service, or its lack of knowledge is a comment on the of the blandness and interchangeability of the early 2000s emo scene.

Wait.. what climax are people upset about.. the coincidental nature of the last move? Didn’t bother me too much because of the emotion that had been earned up to that point