Fake Plastic Tree

*Spotty to Panther You Station

Like LOST, evey episode will be a flashback episode. Except in this case, it will be old reruns of Roseanne. 

It was him! The first thing I thought was, wow two kooky Russian mobsters in one months’ time on separate shows 

Konstantin and Carolyn are Villanelle’s parents — my theory 

I definitely think Konstantin and Carolyn are Villanelle’s parents. The writers made a point of repeating how K never wanted to sleep with V, and now with continued confirmation that the two older spies are still hooking up, it makes sense Carolyn would keep so much of her knowledge private. Perhaps she was dreading

I agreed with the entire comment except that line

Good Will Burgling

Atlantic City 2: I’ll Be The Shoe

Tacos Supreme

and Chris Pratt

...and months later, Sandra Oh got an Emmy nod!

The nunchucks skills I learned while blasting Dramarama have saved my life!

Billy Budd

The Takenizer

Yea definitely possible

The Lorax is the best of his classics. For the oddball books, I prefer the Sleep Book and the one with the made-up alphabet.

Y Kant America Read?

Having worked in the business, all of these politicians should have had comms staffers carefully vetting any press request before putting their boss on TV. I’m sure a quick google search would’ve found whatever front story Cohen gave was bogus. For comedy’s sake I’m glad they didn’t, but this was really poor staff

Sounds like About a Boy

High School Origins: The Prequel