Fake Plastic Tree

Me too. Same 35 kids in my class for 9 years, from K thru 8. I had a very fun 8th grade (also a very fun 7th grade).

Burning down your mirror, the broken glass!

Reminded me of mid-series LOST. Once they get off the island, someone always wanted to go back. “We have to go back to the island!” I was always, “Why? You got off! Help the people there from afar now!”

If anyone has seen the finale, just wanted to point out — I got one of them right!

This made me snort aloud 

That’s Mr. Pibb Hunter to you!

I thought it was an article about the movie Ghost and actively clicked on it!

Agreed. I said something similar with the Serena-in-Canada episode. How much table-setting are we going to see before SOMETHING moving the narrative forward happens. June actually escapes. Serena decides she’s through with Gilead. Emily kills Aunt Lydia. Something.

Not sure why you keep citing celebrity as a fool’s game.. there’s a billion dollar industry surrounding the bankability of movie stars. 

We don’t have any genuine proof that movies with famous people make more money than movies without famous people?

I missed it..? Was she the radio voice?

I agree, let her go.  That said: Can somebody explain why she shot he rifle outside?  Why did she want to attract attention?

Sicario 3: Purse In Urinal

Steven Seagal in On Deadly Gull

You gave away your bullshit with “to keep children alongside incarcerated criminals”

I can’t remwmber.. does Fred know the kid isn’t his at that point? If not, that was a pretty foolish and dangerous remark by June

The safari one did it for me. Too random, not funny.

The Lasseter Triptych sounds like a hardcore Christian rock band

I said upthread.. it’s the most Ann Dowdiest role I’ve seen in a recent movie. If Ann Dowd didn’t exist, would that character?!?!

It was the most Ann Dowdiest part I’ve ever seen in a film. If the filmmakers tried any harder, they couldn’t make a more perfect combination of her ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘Leftovers’ characters. Needless to say, I am a big Ann Dowd fan.