Fake Plastic Tree

Call Me By Your Name: Psychedelic Boogaloo

So if the movie was set in 1981 and Elio was 18, with nothing else changed in the film, no one on this thread would have a complaint?

Kid A was the turning point for me.

Goodbye cruel world...

I thought it was GE

Really?!?! I have tickets for tonight

Imagine if we were still in the 5-picture system:

Blur is one of the few bands I have every album by. I feel like they have three “hits” that the casual ‘90s radio listener would know — There’s No Other Way, Girls & Boys, Song 2.

A Perfect Masturbator

I really liked it. Without getting too specific, there were three scenes that could have been significantly shortened to veer this closer to “masterpiece” than “very good effort,” which are [MILD SPOILERS] a) the ghost finally sitting up in the morgue; b) the infamous pie scene; c) the know-it-all pontificating at

Soon-Yi was not his adopted daughter. And they have been married for decades now.

Soon-Yi was not his adopted daughter. And they have been married for decades now.

The Grey?!?

Because middle-class Joe and Jolele can’t fundraise to air campaign ads

That’s terrible. Hadn’t heard that


I also thought she was very good in Beloved

Can you elaborate?

There’s one part in the Hollies that sounds unmistakably like “Creep” — the leadup to “RUUUUUUUN” in the bridge. Otherwise, they’re both just sad songs in a minor key. The entire underlying melody of the Lana del Rey song sounds like a slower “Creep” cover with different lyrics. (That said, I kinda like her version..

It was the best of times, it was the.. BLURST of times?!?