Fake Plastic Tree

Wouldn’t opponents have screamed “mental INstability and UNintelligence” if we are being grammatically correct here? No Democrat was screaming “Trump and Reagan: stable! Intelligent!”

Double-plus smart

Dead Sheldon, like Weekend at Bernie’s

All locker room talk

What I’d like is to hug and entertain you.

No they didn’t

I think it sounds like a lot of the British college rock circa 1988-1991 that was otherwise dominating underground radio until Nirvana came along.. like the Lightning Seeds, Charlatans UK, the Farm, House of Love, etc.

Very true, and interesting on “Crocodile.”

I noticed it after the second episode. Glad to finally see stuff like this in stories where the protagonist could easily be of either sex but sci-fi usually defaults to a man

I could not stand the actor playing Rolo. He was pretty much the most annoying Black Mirror character I can remember. He made even the decent parts of this episode hard to watch. Too smug and aurally obnoxious

Men Against Fire doesn’t get a lot of love but it was an interesting twist on old themes, plus the overall old-school Twilight Zone vibe of it

I liked the whole thing, even the ending. Mary Elizabeth Winstead was perfect in it

It’s Edward Scissorhands... underwater

Does no one think the second Interpol album is also awesome? It’s maybe a tiny step down from the debut, but so many great tracks - Next Exit, C’mere, Slow Hands, Narc. I think they dropped off from “Our Love to Admire” onward and have never really recovered, although the most recent album still had some decent cuts.


This is exactly it. Kind of like how last year Nate Silver said that in 66% of simulations, Hillary won the election, and in the other third, Trump won. All the data inputs were real.. polling, state partisanship, etc. We just happened to watch one of the 1000 simulations

And he did say Nancy’s mom was not his type

This was hilarious. And take it from someone who had the soundtrack on vinyl in 1985.

Eerie, Indiana
