Fake Plastic Tree

Well he doesn’t look like himself at all in this movie, buried under all those prosthetics, so maybe it’ll be less of a distraction.

That said, these were all good songs and albums! (Except the Tracy Bonham one.)

Do you like Huey Lewis and The News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in ‘83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a

Can’t speak to Polanski, but Woody Allen hasn’t been convicted of anything.

Homogenic (A+) and Post (A) are excellent. Her debut (B) is pretty good as well.

Gutting is a bit much. You don’t think Barry Lyndon could’ve been slimmed a bit? Or Full metal Jacket? Even parts of Clockwork Orange drag a bit and I love it.

If you could edit 30 mins out of it, it would be vastly improved. Like many of Kubrick’s movies. Even the great ones.

And just imagine Jennifer Jason Leigh as Cruise’s patient’s mistress before she had to drop out.

I read the novel (“Dream Story”) it was based on shortly after seeing the film, and despite the fact that it came out in the 1920s, Kubrick was remarkably true to it. Even a minor scene — Cruise bumping into some college jocks on the street who make fun of him as they ramble on drunkenly — was in there.

And a few short months after this moral outrage, Bush was re-elected president. My how times have changed.

Either way, we should all be pumped for the show.

I also remember renting a horror anthology called ESCAPES (one of Vincent Price’s last movies, I believe?) and there was a segment where a couple kept driving in circles endlessly and kept appearing arriving at the same diner. Freaked me out as a kid.

It is such a great short. Didn’t even realize it was James Remar until just now, haven’t seen it since I was a kid. It really did have a disturbing ending [SPOILER] with the two little gargoyle kids. That was scarier than anything else in it.

And Debbie Harry in the wraparound story with the Lawrence brother!

That was 1. The roaches coming out of the cereal box has haunted me to this day.

“The Raft” terrified me as a kid. I don’t think I went swimming for 2 years after I saw it. Why couldn’t she just jump out of the water quicker at the end.. she was almost there!!!!!!

Not great, Bob

Tatooine is also way out there.

“The Curse of Kinja” was a hidden track on the soundtrack.

I actually thought that montage was really well put-together.. some cool shots of them on the plane, etc. I liked it  

I thought it was supposed to be obvious because of “Wichita, Kansas.” Right after that scene I said to my wife, “oh, that’s the BTK killer.” Does that count as a spoiler?