Fake Plastic Tree

Dogville is excellent. But in retrospect per this Bjork post, the film could be a roman a clef about his treatment of her via Nicole Kidman’s character.

I know he was playing himself, but he was a pretty good actor and improviser!

But 1 since then

Ditto Gwyneth Paltrow. She actually thanked him profusely upon winning her Oscar, a few years after her terrible Harvey experience.

I agree. Everyone reads on their phones during meetings, on the bus, at work, etc, when you can’t listen to video.

It’s Chinatown, Harvey.

Furious 9 From Outer Space

Also very moving was Kimmel airing an old clip of Mr. Rogers right before his monologue, where Mr. Rogers tells the kids to always look up to the people who want to help when something goes wrong. It’s making me tear up just thinking about it now..

I just saw him last month!

I noticed. It was almost too well-filmed. The fly-on-the-wall camcorder look was part of the charm, like we were accidentally observing a faux pas that could happen to anyone, anytime. 

That literally happened to me last week, so I just unscrewed the whole nozzle and poured out the shampoo

I thought maybe Cheryl and Ted Danson would hook up

Behind the Wheel?

‘Friend Request’ Goes the Way of the Poke

You want It all, but you can’t have It.


I like the way Snrub thinks!

Eternal sunshine is mine too. Brilliantly written, acted, and conceived. Michel Gondry has been unable to replicate its charms since, although he’s come close.

Six Feet Under is one of my favorite shows of all time. So happy that it gets constant analysis and recognition here.

Right now my color is gray.