I am not the Batman

Farkas is everyone’s type. I’m working on a Farkas build for some Farkas on Farkas action.

Well, that was your mistake. If you must marry a furball, Farkas is the only correct choice.

Wow. That “K” on the end contained so much sass I could taste it

“It’s Leia and Han, not Leia and Riker! Vote NO on Prop 27 and keep interfandom marriages banned.”

Please remember that dogs are not disposable 

Wow. Please don’t get a dog.

Correct. I remember because it was also the day my cousin got married, and I had a very important decision to make. I chose Skyrim.

I mean, maybe this is the wrong way to look way to look at it, but I’m kind of happy that he didn’t actually quit the show in a blaze of hatred, and that at the very least he wasn’t a hypocritical asshole.

There were so damn few opportunities to play as a girl in games growing up. It was pretty much a given that just about any game you picked up was going to star a (white) male character until I was well into college.

“The dog ate my debate prep” is so perfectly rude that when it’s aimed at Drumpf I can only cheer. Cher for press secretary.

Obsidian + Beautiful Star Wars screenshots = make KotOR 3 already!

The key to not crying when cutting onions is to refrain from forming an emotional bond with them

Make no mistake - I will be showing my spouse this article, strategically followed by a ‘what have you done for me lately’.

So anyone want to marry me and support my dreams for love?

That name’s too long. Let’s shorten it a little bit.

Another one is understanding how much it takes to burn calories compared to ingesting them.

Pastor Kioko added: “But we noticed the man was determined to leave. So it was agreed that they live in peace in their separate homes

How is it silly, though? Witchcraft and paganism (they are separate though often linked) is older than Christianity.

I agree except can you please not call it “odd”? That’s part of his point—neopagans have a tough enough time with people thinking our religion is goofy and weird. It’s not. It’s a real religion that means a lot to us, we are by no means a weird fringe of society, and we get tired of it being seen as strange and odd.

This woman who works at blizzard is winning at life. I envy her.